1,545 photos
Fowling in the marshes; fragment of a wallpainting from the
tomb of Nebamun,Thebes. 18th dynasty,around 1350 BCE.
Nebamun stands on a small papyrus boat,with his wife Hatshepsut behind and his son below him. He lets fly a
throwstick into a mass of birds above a papyrus thicket.
Despite his modest title of "scribe and counter of grain"
Nebamun could afford an expensive tomb.  EA,37977

Fowling in the marshes; fragment of a wallpainting from the tomb of Nebamun,The...

Counting the geese: mural from the tomb of Nebamun,from
Thebes, 18th dynasty, around 1350 BCE. In the lower register a scribe holds up a papyrus scroll, presumably a
census of Nebamun's geese; his writing tablet is tucked under his arm; behind the scribe a man brings a group of geese in a cage, and behind him is a large flock of geese.
Scenes of watching agricultural activities  were intended to convey the importance of the owner of the tomb. EA,37978

Counting the geese: mural from the tomb of Nebamun,from Thebes, 18th dynasty, a...

Fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Nabamun, from
Thebes, 18th dynasty,around 1350 BCE. Musicians and dancers entertain the guests at a banquet,dressed in typical
festive clothing of the period. The women wear heavy wigs
and cones of scented fat. They sniff the lotus flower and the
round mandrake fruit. The scene hints subtly at rebirth and new life. EA,37984

Fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Nabamun, from Thebes, 18th dynasty...

Fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Nabamun, from
Thebes, 18th dynasty,around 1350 BCE. Musicians and dancers entertain the guests at a banquet.The scene hints subtly at rebirth and new life. Detail of /51

Fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Nabamun, from Thebes, 18th dynasty...

Fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Nabamun, from
Thebes, 18th dynasty,around 1350 BCE. Guests are dressed
in festive clothing of the period. The women wear heavy wigs and cones of scented fat. They sniff the lotus flower and the round mandrake fruit. The scene hints subtly at rebirth and new life. Detail Upper register) of /51    EA,37984

Fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Nabamun, from Thebes, 18th dynasty...

Statue of Inebny, 18th dynasty, around 1450 BCE.Limestone
block with incised hieroglyphic text containing the conventional prayers for offerings, and Inebny's name and titles as commander of bowmen and overseer of the pharaoh's weapons. It records that it was made "by the favour" of the joint sovereigns Hatshepsut and Tutmosis III.
EA, 1131

Statue of Inebny, 18th dynasty, around 1450 BCE.Limestone block with incised hi...

Head of the cow Hathor, 18th dynasty, around 1450 BCE.The cult statue of Hathor originally had horns and wore a feather
headdress, both probably gilded. The eyes were inlaid with rock crystal and lapis lazuli; the colour white was associated
with sacredness and purity. From the shrine of Hathor at
Deir el-Bahri.Hatshepsut's self-proclaimed divine birth and
Hathor's role as a fertility goddess meant that many women
left offerings at the shrine in the hope of conceiving a child.
EA, 42179

Head of the cow Hathor, 18th dynasty, around 1450 BCE.The cult statue of Hathor...

Fragment of the beard of the Great Spinx (New Kingdom,
14th BCE?). Part of the plaited, "divine" type of beard, depicted on gods and the dead, rather than kings and the
living. The beard was probably added during restoration work in the 18th dynasty (1550-1295 Mill.BCE) and fell off
in antiquity.             EA, 58

Fragment of the beard of the Great Spinx (New Kingdom, 14th BCE?). Part of the...

Faience ushebti of Seti I, 19th dynasty, around 1290 BCE.
The figure wears the "nemes" headdress of a king, with the
cobra on his brow. The identity of the object as an ushebti is
made clear by the hoes which he holds and the "ushebti- spell" from the Book of the Dead which says that the ushebti
must do the work of its owner in the afterlife. EA, 22818

Faience ushebti of Seti I, 19th dynasty, around 1290 BCE. The figure wears the...

Statue of Ramses II,19th dynasty,around 1250 BCE.
The pharaoh is shown wearing the two crowns of Upper and
Lower Egypt;in his hands are the crook and the flail,which
represent his power over his subjects;on his brow is the
Uraeus,the cobra ready to attack any who oppose him.From
the temple of Khnum,god of the Aswan cataract. EA, 67

Statue of Ramses II,19th dynasty,around 1250 BCE. The pharaoh is shown wearing...

Funerary cloth  of Isetnefret, New Kingdom, around 1300- 1070 CE. Isnetfret is shown seated before and offering table loaded with loaves of bread. She holds a lotus flower (symbol of rebirth) to her nose. Her daughter Tii sprinkles her mother with water of purification.Both women are dressed in fashionable, voluminous robes. EA, 65347

Funerary cloth of Isetnefret, New Kingdom, around 1300- 1070 CE. Isnetfret is s...

Limestone ostracon showing a woman suckling a child,
probably from Deir el-Medina, Thebes,20th dynasty. Later New Kingdom,1300-1100 BCE. Most ostraca from Thebes come from the town where the workers in the Valley of Kings lived. They show doodles,artistic experiments, and first drafts of decorations to be placed on the walls of tombs. The lower register of this ostracon shows a woman staring into her mirror. EA,8506

Limestone ostracon showing a woman suckling a child, probably from Deir el-Medi...