The sirens, 1890 Canvas
The Unicorn. Oil on canvas
The Apparition. Oil on canvas (1874)
Dead poet carried by a Centaur. Oil on canvas (1870)
Salome. Canvas, 80 x 40 cm
Le Christ au Jardin de Oliviers - Christ on the Mount of Olives, 1875-18...
Hercule et l'Hydre de Lerne - Hercules and the Hydra of Lernae, 1875...
La Licorne - The Unicorn, around 1885. Canvas, 78 x 48 cm
Ulisse et les Sirenes - Ulysses and the Sirens, 1875-1880....
Jupiter et Semele, around 1889 Semele,whom jealous Hera...
Sapho tombant - Sappho,falling.Moreau's preoccupation with Sappho began when h...
Les anges de Sodome - the angels of Sodom.