Ancient Middle East
Oriental Antiquities.
Female figurine found in a tomb under a house. A mothergoddess.Around 6...
Zoomorphic vase,terracotta. Marlik civilisation Nort...
Zoomorphic vase,terracotta. Marlik civilisation Nort...
Pearl dedicated to the moon god. Neo Sumerian, reign of I...
"Sit Shamsi", the ceremony of sunrise. Bronze model of a high place, dedicat...
Cup,Mesopotamian, late Prehistoric period, 3.400 to 3200 BCE.he cup is carved on...
Stone cult vessel,from Mesopotamia, 3400-3200 BCE. This was the time when large...
Clay plaque showing a banqueter, from Uruk (Warka), 1st CE. The plaque shows a...
Queen's lyre from Ur, southern Iraq, 2600-2400 BCE. Stringed instrument with a b...
Silver fluted tumbler from Ur, southern Mesopotamia, early dynastic period,2.60...
Stone vessel from Ur,Mesopotamian,southern Iraq. Dis- covered in the grave of Qu...
Gold cup from Ur,Mesopotamia,southern Iraq, 2.600 - 2.400 BCE. Found on the floo...