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39 photos
Giants trying to storm Olympos are crushed under       
falling rocks. Detail from the Hall of the Giants,     
Palazzo del Te, built 1525-1535 after designs by       
Giulio Romano as a summer residence for Duke           
Federico II Gonzaga.

Giants trying to storm Olympos are crushed under falling rocks. Detail fr...

Giants trying to storm Olympos are crushed by          
falling rocks. Detail from the Hall of the Giants,     
Palazzo del Te, built 1525-1535 after designs by       
Giulio Romano as a summer residence for Duke           
Federico II Gonzaga.

Giants trying to storm Olympos are crushed by falling rocks. Detail fr...

Attacking giants are crushed by collapsing buildings.  
Detail of the Hall of the Giants, Palazzo del Te,      
built 1525-1535 after designs by Giulio Romano         
as a summer residence for Duke Federico II Gonzaga.

Attacking giants are crushed by collapsing buildings. Detail of the Hall of th...

A Giant warding off a falling column. Detail           
from the Hall of the Giants, Palazzo del Te,           
built 1525-1535 after designs by Giulio Romano as      
a summer residence for Duke Federico II Gonzaga.

A Giant warding off a falling column. Detail from the Hall of the Gia...

Fearful Giants. Detail from the Hall of the Giants,    
Palazzo del Te, built 1525-1535 after designs by       
Giulio Romano as a summer residence for Duke           
Federico II Gonzaga.

Fearful Giants. Detail from the Hall of the Giants, Palazzo del Te, built 15...

Dying Giant. Detail from the Hall of the Giants,       
Palazzo del Te, built 1525-1535 after designs by       
Giulio Romano as a summer residence for Duke           
Federico II Gonzaga.

Dying Giant. Detail from the Hall of the Giants, Palazzo del Te, built 15...

Dionysos and the Maenads. Palazzo del Te,              
built 1525-1535 after designs by                       
Giulio Romano as a summer residence                    
for Duke Federico II Gonzaga.

Dionysos and the Maenads. Palazzo del Te, built 1525-1535 after de...

Mythological scene. Palazzo del Te,                    
built 1525-1535 after designs of Giulio                
Romano as a summer residence for Duke                  
Federico II Gonzaga.

Mythological scene. Palazzo del Te, built 1525-1535 after de...

Hall of busts with stucco work. Primaticcio was        
Romano's assistant during the construction of the      
Palazzo del Te, built 1525-1535 after designs by       
Giulio Romano as a summer residence for Duke           
Federico II Gonzaga.

Hall of busts with stucco work. Primaticcio was Romano's assistant durin...

Sun and moon on the their chariots crossing in the     
sky. Palazzo del Te, built 1525-1535 after designs     
by Giulio Romano as a summer residence for Duke        
Federico II Gonzaga.

Sun and moon on the their chariots crossing in the sky. Palazzo del Te, bui...

Bacchanalia - a banquet of the Gods. Detail.           
Fresco (1532-1534)

Bacchanalia - a banquet of the Gods. Detail. Fresco (1532-1534)

Chamber of the Eagles,Palazzo del Te,Mantova,Italy.

Chamber of the Eagles,Palazzo del Te,Mantova,Italy.