28 photos
Dante and Virgil with plague-stricken in Hell.
From Dante's Divina Commedia. Italian; 14th century.

Dante and Virgil with plague-stricken in Hell. From Dante's Divina Commedia. It...

Pharaoh commands the Israelites to leave Egypt; the plague of the first born; the passage of the Red Sea; the pursuit by the Egyptians. Vellum manuscript. Vellum manuscript. From "The Golden Haggadah". Catalonia; early 14th century.
Shelfmark: Add. 27210
Page Folio Number: f.14v
#030802 7

Pharaoh commands the Israelites to leave Egypt; the plague of the first born; th...

Evening on March 15, 1848 in Vienna. Lithograph; 19th century.

Evening on March 15, 1848 in Vienna. Lithograph; 19th century.

Masked doctor during the plague in Venice.
From the Grevenbroeck manuscript; 17th century.

Masked doctor during the plague in Venice. From the Grevenbroeck manuscript; 17...

Sandstorm over Karnak.

Sandstorm over Karnak.

The tenth plague of Egypt: the Israelites paint their  
doorposts with the blood of the Easter lamb, the angel 
slays the firstborn of the Egyptians. Verdun Altar, 51 
plaques in champsleve-technique,enamel on gilded copper
1181, for Prior Wernher of Klosterneuburg, Austria

The tenth plague of Egypt: the Israelites paint their doorposts with the blood...

The Coumans attack the region of Chernigov, aided      
and abetted by Oleg, the local prince (1094);          
An invasion of locusts. From the Radziwill Chronicle,  
an early history of Russia from the legendary beginn-  
ings to the 13th. Page 141 v.,612 miniatures, late 15th

The Coumans attack the region of Chernigov, aided and abetted by Oleg, the...

Petrarca's Laura, the poet's lady love whom he         
immortalized in his sonnets "Il Canzoniere".           
Petrarca never spoke to her. She died of the           
plague in Avignon in 1348.                             
Inv. 8068
#260103 3

Petrarca's Laura, the poet's lady love whom he immortalized in his sonn...

"Pestsaeule" - plague-column,a monument erected by     
Emperor Leopold I in memory of the end of the plague   
in Vienna.The column is dedicated to the Holy Trinity  
and the Seven Choirs of the Angels,protectors against  
the plague.1692

"Pestsaeule" - plague-column,a monument erected by Emperor Leopold I in mem...

The "Graben",central square in downtown Vienna. In     
the background the plague column (26-02-02/34).        

The "Graben",central square in downtown Vienna. In the background the plagu...

Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte visiting the plague-      
stricken in Jaffa, followed by his generals Berthier   
and Bessieres. Detail.                                 
Oil on canvas (1804).                                  
532 x 715 cm   Inv. 5064

Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte visiting the plague- stricken in Jaffa, follo...

The plague in Germany during the 6th century.          
From "Le miroir historial" by Vincent Beauvais,        
France,15th,Ms.722/1196,fol.4.Top:monsters of          
the plague fly over a German town;below:Pope Gregory.

The plague in Germany during the 6th century. From "Le miroir historia...