1,051 photos
Spoon in the form of swimming girl holding a duck.     
Sycamore wood, 18th-19th Dynasties                     
(16th-13th BCE), New Kingdom, Egypt.                   
Size 7.5 x 29 cm

Spoon in the form of swimming girl holding a duck. Sycamore wood, 18th-19th...

Palette for make-up, with two birds' heads.            
Slate (32nd-30th BCE),                                 
Pre-Dynastic Period, Egypt.                            
Inv. 19 748
#080110 3

Palette for make-up, with two birds' heads. Slate (32nd-30th BCE),...

Various amulets for the living and the dead. From top  
left to bottom right: Djed-pillar; Ouadjet eye; papyrus
bud; crocodile; all fayence. Square, obsidian; Horus   
falcon, fayence; heart-shaped amulet, stone; head of   
the God Bes, fayence. New Kingdom (16th-11th BCE).

Various amulets for the living and the dead. From top left to bottom right: Dj...

Three Osiris-figures.The mummified penis of the defunct
was kept in a small opening in the base. Sometimes the 
opening was used to store a papyrus role with the Book 
of the Dead. Right: Ba, the soul-bird. - Painted wood  
(around 600 BCE), Egypt. - Inv. 843, 9666, 910, 20668

Three Osiris-figures.The mummified penis of the defunct was kept in a small open...

Detail from the inner coffin of priest Pai-es-Tenef.   
The Ba soul-bird hovers above the defunct in order     
to revive him for afterlife. - Painted wood            
(about 600 BCE), Late Period, Egypt.                   
Inv. 53

Detail from the inner coffin of priest Pai-es-Tenef. The Ba soul-bird hovers...

Accessories for a mummy: head tablet, for the magic    
protection of the head; a collar with falcons.         
Cardboard and linen, painted (around 100 BCE),         
Ptolemaic Period, Egypt.                               
Inv. 17 336, 16 806.

Accessories for a mummy: head tablet, for the magic protection of the head;...

Falcon god Horus and Anubis, the jackal-headed god     
of the dead. Reliefs on the walls of the temple of     
Sobek and Horus (2nd BCE), Ptolemaic Period, Egypt.

Falcon god Horus and Anubis, the jackal-headed god of the dead. Reliefs on...

The falcon-headed god Horus or Haroeris writing        
and wearing the sun disk on his head. Relief from      
the Temple of Sobek and Horus (2nd BCE), Ptolemaic     
Period, Egypt.

The falcon-headed god Horus or Haroeris writing and wearing the sun disk...

Huge Horus-falcon flanking the door                    
to the Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Horus                 
(3rd BCE), Ptolemaic Period, Edfu.

Huge Horus-falcon flanking the door to the Hypostyle Hall, T...

The avenue of sphinxes,                                
leading up to the first pylon                          
of the Temple of Amun (13th BCE),                      
19th Dynasty, New Kingdom, Luxor.

The avenue of sphinxes, leading up to the first...

Lintel with green plover design (14th BCE).            
Green plovers were used as a symbol of the lower       
classes who had to be taught submission to the pharaoh 
(here represented by his cartouche).

Lintel with green plover design (14th BCE). Green plovers were used...

Hunter carrying captured birds.                        
Limestone (13th BCE).

Hunter carrying captured birds. Limestone (13th BCE).