Mytological Animals

Mythological animals.

684 photos
The Plutonion, sanctuary of Hades, Eleusis. The grotto
behind the temple of Pluto was believed to be the
gateway to Hades, the Netherworld. According to myth,
this is the place of Persephone's abduction and return.

The Plutonion, sanctuary of Hades, Eleusis. The grotto behind the temple of Plut...

Throne room of the palace of Knossos, Heraklion, Crete.
The "Throne of Minos" is of stone and embedded in the  
wall of a dark chamber. The griffin frescoes on the    
wall are restored from surviving fragments.

Throne room of the palace of Knossos, Heraklion, Crete. The "Throne of Minos" is...

Throne room of the palace of Knossos, Crete.
The "Throne of Minos" is of stone and embedded in the
wall of a dark chamber (15th BCE). The griffin frescoes
on the wall are restored from surviving fragments.

Throne room of the palace of Knossos, Crete. The "Throne of Minos" is of stone a...

Landscape near Thebes, Boeotia. The Sphinx sancturay   
was located here.
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Landscape near Thebes, Boeotia. The Sphinx sancturay was located here.

The Lerna marshes, where Herakles fought the Hydra,    
one of the labours ordered by King Eurysteyos of Tiryns

The Lerna marshes, where Herakles fought the Hydra, one of the labours order...

The Lerna marshes, where Herakles fought the Hydra,    
one of the labours ordered by King Eurysteyos of Tiryns
See 01-01-02/28.

The Lerna marshes, where Herakles fought the Hydra, one of the labours order...

Temple of the Nemean Zeus (340-320 BCE).               
Here Herakles fought and killed the Nemean lion,       
the first of his twelve labours for Eurystheos, ruler  
of Tiryns.

Temple of the Nemean Zeus (340-320 BCE). Here Herakles fought and...

Temple of the Nemean Zeus (340-320 BCE).               
Here Herakles fought and killed the                    
Nemean lion, the first of his twelve                   
labours for Eurystheos, ruler of Tiryns,

Temple of the Nemean Zeus (340-320 BCE). Here Herakles fought and...

An unidentified deiety strangles a monstrous           
Giant with a lion's head and paws, and with            
serpents for legs. These attributes characterized      
the Giants as a brute Barbarian force. Zeus Altar      
of Pergamon erected around 180 BCE by Eumenes II.

An unidentified deiety strangles a monstrous Giant with a lion's head...

Fancy dragon. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic      
in the ambulatory of the Villa del Casale,             
Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Italy (3rd-4th CE).

Fancy dragon. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic in the ambulatory of the...

Sphinx,rose granite,from Tanis,Egypt.                  
The inscriptions are from various pharaos,from         
Sheshonk,Meremptah,and Amenemhat II.                   
480 x 154 x 183 cm                                     
A 23
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Sphinx,rose granite,from Tanis,Egypt. The inscriptions are fro...

Fragment of the beard of the Great Spinx (New Kingdom,
14th BCE?). Part of the plaited, "divine" type of beard, depicted on gods and the dead, rather than kings and the
living. The beard was probably added during restoration work in the 18th dynasty (1550-1295 Mill.BCE) and fell off
in antiquity.             EA, 58

Fragment of the beard of the Great Spinx (New Kingdom, 14th BCE?). Part of the...