Native American Religions
Religions and cults of the indigenous people of the American continent: North American tribes, Aztec, Maya, and other natives.
Stone bust of Quetzalcoatl, Aztec, from Mexico, 1325-1521. This sculpture repres...
Pre-Columbian pottery figurine seated with legs crossed and wearing helmet. Chor...
Stone stele depicting Mayan ruler "Kan Boar" ( K'an-Ak, 458-486) holding staff o...
Stone stele depicting Mayan ruler Stormy Sky II (Siyaj Chan K'awiil II, 411-456...
Stone carving with Maya script inscriptions from Tikal. The Maya script, common...
Stone carving with a depiction of what is believed to be rain god Tlaloc. Maya c...
Huitzilopochtli (or Uitzilopochtli - "Hummingbird of the South") dressed in his...
Statue of the God Quetzalcoatl.His name signifies the "feathered serpent"....
A ballgames player. Kneeling on one leg, he throws the rubber ball with his rig...
Tlatecuhile,Lord of the Earth. Limestone.
The God Oxhintok,late classical.
Conquest of the Indian countries of Paraguay,showing the landscape,rivers and...