God Father and God Holy Ghost. 10014555
Saint François-Xavier rappelant à la vie la fille d'un habitant de Cangoxima au...
Céphale et l'Aurore - Cephalus and Eos. 1764. Canvas, 142 x 117cm. Inv. 2710
Le triomphe de Bacchus - The triumph of Bacchus. 1747. Canvas, 199 x 225cm. In...
Apollon et Daphné - Apollo and Daphne. Around 1615-1620. Detail of 39-19-10/32....
The battle between Love and Chastity, 1503. Detail of 40-08-06/46. Painted for t...
#391917 1
La cuisine des Anges - the angels' kitchen (detail). One of twelve paintings fo...
#391917 5
Le Triomphe de l'Amour avec entourage de fleurs. Canvas, 134 x 110cm. Inv. 797
#391917 6
Le Triomphe de l'Amour avec entourage de fleurs. Detail of wreath of flowers. Fo...
Madonna and child with angels, and Saints Frediano and Augustine, called "Pala...
The coronation of the Virgin, painted for the Dominican monastery in Fiesole, a...
La Vierge et l'Enfant en majeste entoures de six anges - the Virgin and child i...