1,278 photos
Rest on the Flight to Egypt, around 1632-1635.          
The Virgin has the features of Rubens' second wife,    
Helene Fourment.                                       
Wood, 87 x 125 cm                                       

Rest on the Flight to Egypt, around 1632-1635. The Virgin has the fea...

The Rape of Europa - a copy of the Titian painting     
which Rubens painted during his second stay in Madrid, 
Canvas,181 x 200 cm                                    

The Rape of Europa - a copy of the Titian painting which Rubens painted dur...

Annunciation and Visitation, from the Altar of the     
Crucifixion, formerly in the Abbey of Champmol         
near Dijon, France.                                    
Tempera on wood (1394)                                 
Inv. CA 1420 A
#400301 1

Annunciation and Visitation, from the Altar of the Crucifixion, formerly in...

Nativity. Adoration of the shepherds. 1420-1430        
Oil on wood                                            
Inv. CA 150
#400301 2

Nativity. Adoration of the shepherds. 1420-1430 Oil on wood...

Altar of The Last Judgement,detail.                    
The Archangel Michael weighing souls,detail.           
See also 40-03-01/8-13, 40-01-01/65,66, 40-04-04/31-34 
Oil on wood (1434)
#400301 7

Altar of The Last Judgement,detail. The Archangel Michael we...

Altar of The Last Judgement,detail.                    
The Archangel Michael weighing souls,detail.           
See also 40-03-01/8-13, 40-01-01/65,66, 40-04-04/31-34 
Oil on wood (1434)
#400301 8

Altar of The Last Judgement,detail. The Archangel Michael we...

Altar of The Last Judgement. Detail: Saint Mary,       
supposed to be a portrait of Mme.Rolin, the wife       
of Nicolas Rolin, for fourty years chancellor of       
the Dukes of Burgundy and founder of the Hotel Dieu,   
in Beaune.See 40-01-01/65,66, 40-04-04/31-34

Altar of The Last Judgement. Detail: Saint Mary, supposed to be a portrai...

The mystic engagement of the beatified                 
Hermann Joseph with the Virgin Mary.                   
Oil on canvas (1630)                                   
160 x 128 cm                                           
Inv. 488

The mystic engagement of the beatified Hermann Joseph with the...

Young Tobias and the Angel.                            

Young Tobias and the Angel. Oil

The angel opens Christ's Sepulchre.                    
Oakwood, 72 x 89,6 cm

The angel opens Christ's Sepulchre. Oakwood, 72 x 89,6 cm

Manoah's Sacrifice. Manoach is the father of Simson. 
During his wife's prgnancy, an angel announces his future son's deeds in the war against the Philistines.

Manoah's Sacrifice. Manoach is the father of Simson. During his wife's prgnanc...

The Coronation of the Virgin                           
surrounded by angels.                                  
Right wing of a triptych altar.                        
Oil on wood
#400303 7

The Coronation of the Virgin surrounded by angels....