1,278 photos
Altarpiece of St.John Baptist and St.John Evangelist.  
Center: Sacra Conversazione, the Virgin surrounded by  
Saints Catherine, Barbara, John Baptist and John Evan- 
gelist. 1474-1479.                                     
Oak, 1173,6 x 173,3 cm      Inv.o.sj175.1
#400306 8

Altarpiece of St.John Baptist and St.John Evangelist. Center: Sacra Conversaz...

Triptych of the Resurrection; left wing                
Saint Sebastian, right wing Ascension.                 
Wood, 61,5 x 44,5 cm, 61,5 x 18,5 cm                   
M.I. 247 - 249

Triptych of the Resurrection; left wing Saint Sebastian, right w...

Triptych de la famille Sedano - Triptych of the Sedano 
family. Center: Madonna and angels; left wing Jean     
Sedano presented by Saint John Baptist; right Jean     
Sedano's wife presented by Saint John Evangelist.      
Wood, 97 x 71,5, 91 x 30 cm        R.F. 588

Triptych de la famille Sedano - Triptych of the Sedano family. Center: Madonna...

Le Trone de Grace - God Father, Christ, Holy Ghost     
and angels (Throne of Mercy). Right wing: the three    
weeping Marys (sisters of Saint Mary, Maria Kleophas,  
Maria Salome and Mary Magdalen).                       
Wood,167 x 118, 167,5 x  62,3 cm     R.F. 534, 1482

Le Trone de Grace - God Father, Christ, Holy Ghost and angels (Throne of Me...

Christ interceding for Philipp the Handsome,  King of    
Castile, Archduke of Austria and Duke of Burgundy      
(1478-1506) and his retinue.                           
Left wing of an altar. Wood, 112,7 x 174,4 cm          
M.N.R.376 see also 40-03-06/29

Christ interceding for Philipp the Handsome, King of Castile, Archduke of...

Christ and the apostles on the Mount of Olives.        
From the St. Sebastian altar, Abbey St. Florian.       
The altar has 12 main panels, 8 showing the passion    
of Christ and 4 the martyrdom of St. Sebastian.        

Christ and the apostles on the Mount of Olives. From the St. Sebastian a...

"Trinitaetsrelief" - the Holy Trinity,                 
polychrome limestone, around 1450

"Trinitaetsrelief" - the Holy Trinity, polychrome limestone, ar...

"All creation praises the Lord", the nine choirs of the
angels,from "Liber Scivias" (Know the ways of the Lord)
by German mystic Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179).The  
book with 35 full-page miniatures, disappeared during  
WW II. Transparency is made from a faksimile copy.
#400307 2

"All creation praises the Lord", the nine choirs of the angels,from "Liber Scivi...

South porch, Chartres Cathedral,tympanon.              
Christ judge in the center, Saint Mary and Saint       
John pleading for mankind.Six angels carry the         
instruments of passion. In the orders of the arch, the 
nine choirs of the angels.

South porch, Chartres Cathedral,tympanon. Christ judge in the cent...

North porch, Chartres cathedral, tympanon.             
On the lintel, Saint Mary's death and entombment,      
in the tympanon Mary's glorification; she is seated    
on a throne next to Christ who blesses her.

North porch, Chartres cathedral, tympanon. On the lintel, Saint Mar...

The "pillar of the angels", right nave, Strasbourg     

The "pillar of the angels", right nave, Strasbourg Cathedral.

Young Tobias with the Archangel Raphael.               
The donor was the Italian silk-merchant Raphael        
Torrigiani, the sculpture was originally intended      
for the Predigerkirche in Nuernberg. 1516              
Inv. PL 1834

Young Tobias with the Archangel Raphael. The donor was the Italia...