The Holy Virgin appears to Saint Ildefonso. Central panel of the Ild...
The Feast of Venus. Oil on canvas (after 163...
The Feast of Venus. Detail of 40-04-01/31...
The Feast of Venus. Detail of 40-04-01/31...
The Feast of Venus. Detail of 40-04-01/31...
The Abduction of Proserpina. Oil sketch (17th).
Le conseil des dieux pour les mariages espagnols - Council of the gods conc...
The Martyrdom of Saint George. Oil on canvas
Saint Matthew inspired by an angel. Oil on canvas (1661)...
Tobias and the Angel. Pen and ink drawing
#400402 2
Holy Night. Oakwood, 113 x 84 cm...
#400402 3
The Birth of Christ. Around 1520 Oakwood, 74 x 53cm...