1,278 photos
The Holy Virgin appears to Saint Ildefonso.            
Central panel of the Ildefonso Altar,1630-1632         
Canvas,352 x 236 cm                                    

The Holy Virgin appears to Saint Ildefonso. Central panel of the Ild...

The Feast of Venus.                                    
Oil on canvas (after 1635)                             
217 x 350 cm                                           
Cat. 327                                               
Inv. 684

The Feast of Venus. Oil on canvas (after 163...

The Feast of Venus.                                    
Detail of 40-04-01/31                                  
Oil on canvas (after 1635)                             
Cat. 327, Inv. 648

The Feast of Venus. Detail of 40-04-01/31...

The Feast of Venus.                                    
Detail of 40-04-01/31                                  
Oil on canvas (after 1635)                             
Cat. 327, Inv. 684

The Feast of Venus. Detail of 40-04-01/31...

The Feast of Venus.                                    
Detail of 40-04-01/31                                  
Oil on canvas (after 1635)                             
Cat. 327, Inv. 684

The Feast of Venus. Detail of 40-04-01/31...

The Abduction of Proserpina.                           
Oil sketch (17th).

The Abduction of Proserpina. Oil sketch (17th).

Le conseil des dieux pour les mariages espagnols -     
Council of the gods concerning the Spanish marriages.  
Part of the Medici-Cycle, 1622-1625                    
Canvas, 394 x 702 cm                                   
INV. 1780

Le conseil des dieux pour les mariages espagnols - Council of the gods conc...

The Martyrdom of Saint George.                         
Oil on canvas

The Martyrdom of Saint George. Oil on canvas

Saint Matthew inspired by an angel.                    
Oil on canvas (1661)                                   
96 x 81 cm                                             
Inv. 1738

Saint Matthew inspired by an angel. Oil on canvas (1661)...

Tobias and the Angel.                                  
Pen and ink drawing

Tobias and the Angel. Pen and ink drawing

Holy Night.                                            
Oakwood, 113 x 84 cm                                   
Inv. 5878
#400402 2

Holy Night. Oakwood, 113 x 84 cm...

The Birth of Christ. Around 1520                       
Oakwood, 74 x 53cm                                     
Inv. 6347
#400402 3

The Birth of Christ. Around 1520 Oakwood, 74 x 53cm...