Witches, golems, vampires, demons and more horrible creatures.
Two naked people in the upper register. It may be a love scene,...
A naked couple in the upper register. It may be a love scene, o...
#310302 5
Apocalypse d'Angers,1373-1387,a series of tapestries woven for Louis I.,Duke of...
#320106 9
Orpheus and Eurydice,15th.Orpheus in the underworld is playing to his beloved E...
Andromeda rescued by Perseus from the sea serpent. Perseus, mounted on Pegasus,...
Witches,1514 Drawing,white wash.
Witches,1514 "Der Corcaden ein gut Jar" Drawing,white wash.
The Green Monster,costume sketch for Nicolai Rimski- Korsakov's opera "Sadko",19...
Saint Michael and demons,1450-1460. Drawing, 41,5 x 35,5 cm INV.1855-8-11-48...
"Linda maestra" - "Gentle mistress",etching No.68 from the "Caprichos",aro...
"Alla va eso",("This way"),etching No.66 from the "Caprichos",around 1798.
#330110 4
A demon flies from the Thunder God, Edo period, 17th-early 18th century. A winge...