
Witches, golems, vampires, demons and more horrible creatures.

316 photos
Hercules and Hydra. Statuette by Michel Mazzafirri.    
Olive-mauve jasper cup with gold, enamel, pearls etc.  
Probably from the workshop of Francesco I de' Medici   
(ca. 1580). Close-up of Hercules.                      
See also: 40-09-01/47,48
#400902 7

Hercules and Hydra. Statuette by Michel Mazzafirri. Olive-mauve jasper cup w...

Acis et Galatee se derobant au regard de Polypheme     
Acis and Galatea hiding before Polyphemus.             
Oil on canvas, 97 x 133 cm                             
INV 7161
#401108 4

Acis et Galatee se derobant au regard de Polypheme Acis and Galatea hiding...

La sorciere - The sorceress, 1897                      
R.F. 35503

La sorciere - The sorceress, 1897 R.F. 35503

Perseus petrifies Phineus and his companions with the  
head of Medusa.

Perseus petrifies Phineus and his companions with the head of Medusa.

La nuit de noces de Tobie et Sara - the wedding-night  
of Tobias and Sarah(who is posessed by a demon).        
Painted for the Hotel Fieubert,Paris.                  
Canvas, 89 x 116 cm

La nuit de noces de Tobie et Sara - the wedding-night of Tobias and Sarah(who...

Le Vampir glorieux - The glorious vampire,around 1916. 
Oil on cardboard, 34 x 26 cm
#401118 1

Le Vampir glorieux - The glorious vampire,around 1916. Oil on cardboard, 34 x 2...

Hercule et l'Hydre de Lerne - Hercules and the         
Hydra of Lernae, 1875                                  
Canvas, 142 x 168  cm

Hercule et l'Hydre de Lerne - Hercules and the Hydra of Lernae, 1875...

Le Desespoir de la Chimere - the despair of the        
Canvas,65 x 53 cm

Le Desespoir de la Chimere - the despair of the Chimera,1890....

The vampire.                                           

The vampire. Canvas

A demon above boats, 1916

A demon above boats, 1916

Hercules and Cerberus,                                 
Canvas 132 x 151 cm                                    

Hercules and Cerberus, Canvas 132 x 151 cm...

Perseus frees Andromeda.From the base of the Perseus   
statue in the Loggia dei Lanzi.
#401125 5

Perseus frees Andromeda.From the base of the Perseus statue in the Loggia dei...