78 photos
Marble head,detail.For overall see 40-08-18/67.        

Brutus. Marble head,detail.For o...

Marble statue (1550)

Pieta. Marble statue (1550)

Cathedral Saint Peter: the cupola (interior);          
The canopy was made by Bernini in 1633.

Cathedral Saint Peter: the cupola (interior); The canopy was made by B...

Moses, from the tomb of Pope Julius II in San Pietro   
in Vincoli, Rome. The two horns have been symbolic     
of Moses since the Hebrew word for "rays of light"     
was mistranslated as "horns" in the Vulgata, the       
medieval translation of the Old Testament. Marble.
#400711 2

Moses, from the tomb of Pope Julius II in San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome. The tw...

Moses (detail), from the tomb of Pope Julius II in     
San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome. Michelangelo worked on    
the papal tomb off and on from 1505 to 1545.           
#400711 3

Moses (detail), from the tomb of Pope Julius II in San Pietro in Vincoli, R...

Moses( detail), from the tomb of Pope Julius II Rovere,
in San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome. The two horns have been
symbolic of Moses since the Hebrew word for "rays of   
light" was mistranslated in the Vulgata, the medieval  
translation of the Old Testament. Marble.
#400711 4

Moses( detail), from the tomb of Pope Julius II Rovere, in San Pietro in Vincoli...

Rachel, wife of Jacob and here the symbol of an active 
life, from the tomb of Pope Julius II Rovere in San    
Pietro in Vincoli. Michelangelo worked on the papal    
tomb off and on from 1505-1545.                        
#400711 5

Rachel, wife of Jacob and here the symbol of an active life, from the tomb of P...

Leah, wife of Jacob and here the symbol of a           
contemplative life, from the tomb of Pope Julius II    
Rovere, San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome. Michelangelo      
worked on the papal tomb off and on from 1505-1545.    
#400711 6

Leah, wife of Jacob and here the symbol of a contemplative life, from...

The figure of Dawn, from the tomb of Lorenzo Medici,   
(1492-1519), Duke of Urbino, nephew of Lorenzo il      
Magnifico and of Pope Leo X.                           
Marble, 1521-1534
#400711 7

The figure of Dawn, from the tomb of Lorenzo Medici, (1492-1519), Duke of Urb...

The figure of Dawn (detail) from the tomb of           
Lorenzo Medici (1492-1519), Duke of Urbino, nephew     
of Lorenzo il Magnifico and Pope Leo X.                
Marble, 1521-1534
#400711 8

The figure of Dawn (detail) from the tomb of Lorenzo Medici (1492-151...

The figure of Dusk (detail), from the tomb of          
Lorenzo Medici (1492-1519), Duke of Urbino and         
nephew of Lorenzo il Magnifico and Pope Leo X.         
Marble, 1521-1534
#400711 9

The figure of Dusk (detail), from the tomb of Lorenzo Medici (1492-151...

The figure of Night, from the tomb of Giuliano Medici  
(1478-1516), Duke of Nemours and son of Lorenzo        
il Magnifico.                                          
Marble, 1521-1534

The figure of Night, from the tomb of Giuliano Medici (1478-1516), Duke of Nem...