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698 photos
Horse-bit in the form of a winged ram.                 
Bronze (1200-600 BCE)                                  
from West Iran                                         
Cat. 122930

Horse-bit in the form of a winged ram. Bronze (1200-600 BCE)...

Pin-head in the form of a winged dragon (7th BCE)      
(Popular in Luristan for attaching clothes, the        
pins became a votiv object)                            
from West Iran                                         
Cat. 132057

Pin-head in the form of a winged dragon (7th BCE) (Popular in Luristan fo...

Winged genius with body of a lion.                     
Bas-relief on glazed ceramics (8th BCE)                
from a Neo-Elamite tomb, Susa, Iran.                   
Height 17 cm                                           
Sb 375

Winged genius with body of a lion. Bas-relief on glazed cer...

Two lions with horns atop a three-registered frieze    
decorated with different geometrical ornaments. Detail.
Enamelled bricks (6th BCE) from the Apadana in Susa.   
Overall size 31.5 x 26.5 cm                            
Sb 3336

Two lions with horns atop a three-registered frieze decorated with different...

Two winged sphinxes topped by a winged disk,           
emblem of the god Ahura Mazda.                         
Enamelled brick panel (6th-5th BCE) from Susa, Iran.   
Overall size 120 x 117 cm                              
Sb 3324

Two winged sphinxes topped by a winged disk, emblem of the god Ahura...

Embossed ornament in the form of a lion-griffin,gold, from the Oxus Treasure,Achaemenid period,5th-4th BCE.
The Oxus Treasure, the most important collection of gold and silver to have survived from the Achaemenid period, is from a temple on the banks of the Oxus,Tajikistan.
Cat. 123 924

Embossed ornament in the form of a lion-griffin,gold, from the Oxus Treasure,Ach...

Eagle with lion's head.                                
Lapis lazuli, gold, copper and bitumen pendant         
Early dynastic period II (2658 BCE)                    
from the Treasure of Ur, Mari, Syria
#080208 7

Eagle with lion's head. Lapis lazuli, gold, copp...

Hero fighting or holding two bisons (top of the stele).
Anzu, the lion-headed eagle with two ibex (bottom).    
Fragment of a relief panel with two registers          
Steatite (2645-2460 BCE)                               
from Mari, Syria

Hero fighting or holding two bisons (top of the stele). Anzu, the lion-headed ea...

Mountain-god and two bulls with human heads and arms.  
Basalt bas-relief on a socle (13th BCE)                
from Ain Dara, north of Aleppo, Syria

Mountain-god and two bulls with human heads and arms. Basalt bas-relief on a s...

Two sphinxes with ram heads.                           
Open ivory relief from a frieze                        
(2nd half 9th BCE)                                     
from Hadatu (Arslan-Tash), Northern Syria

Two sphinxes with ram heads. Open ivory relief from a...

Carved ivory relief (2nd half 9th BCE)                 
from Hadatu (Arslan-Tash), Northern Syria              
Height 7.9 cm

Sphinx. Carved ivory relief (2nd...

Marble intarsia from a hall in Palace G, Ebla.         
The figures of warriors and mythological animals were  
arranged in 12 rows on a wall,possibly to celebrate    
a victory. Lion-headed eagle and bull with a human face
Around 2.400 BCE    H: 14-15 cm
#080209 8

Marble intarsia from a hall in Palace G, Ebla. The figures of warriors...