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698 photos
Centaurus hunting tigers.                              
Mosaic (1st-3rd CE).

Centaurus hunting tigers. Mosaic (1st-3rd CE).

Lutrophora, Attic, from Athens. Around 690 BCE.        
The vase marks the transition from geometric to an     
"orientalizing" style, in which bands of floral        
ornaments alternate with sphinges and men on chariots. 
H: 80 cm            CA 2985
#100109 6

Lutrophora, Attic, from Athens. Around 690 BCE. The vase marks the trans...

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal     
necropolis in Sidon.Long face:boarhunt; short face:    
two centaurs fighting over a deer; lid:two seated      
sphinges. End 5th BCE                                  
Marble from Paros, 296,5x253,5x137 cm  Inv.369 T

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal necropolis in Sidon.Long...

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal     
necropolis in Sidon. Two seated sphinges, guardians    
of the tomb, on the lid. End 5th BCE                   
Marble from Paros, 296,5x253,5x137 cm                  
Inv. 369 T

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal necropolis in Sidon. Two...

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal     
necropois in Sidon. A Sphinx as guardian of the tomb.  
Detail of 10-01-09/46. 5th BCE                         
Marble from Paros, 296,5x253,5x137 cm                  
Inv. 369 T

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal necropois in Sidon. A Sp...

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal     
necropolis in Sidon. A sphinx, guardian of the tomb.   
Detail of 10-01-09/46. End 5th BCE                     
Marble from Paros, 296,5x253,5x137 cm                  
Inv. 369 T

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal necropolis in Sidon. A s...

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal     
necropolis in Sidon.Short face: two centaurs fighting  
over a deer.The centaur on the left, with a panther    
skin over the shoulder,tries to stick a branch into the
eye of the other. End 5th BCE     Inv. 369 T

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal necropolis in Sidon.Shor...

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal     
necropolis in Sidon. The tympanon of the lid shows     
two griffins, one male, one female, with eagles' heads 
and spiked crests. End 5th BCE                         
Marble from Paros, 296,5x253,5x137 cm    Inv. 369 T

The "Lykian Sarcophagus" from the Phoenician royal necropolis in Sidon. The...

Centaur, front part. Chased from a single, thin sheet  
of silver; partly gilded. The left hand must have held 
a string instrument, since he holds a plectrum in his  
right hand. Part of a rhyton.                          
H:22 cm         Inv. A 49

Centaur, front part. Chased from a single, thin sheet of silver; partly gilded...

Scylla. Handle from a mirror.                          
Bronze (about 310 BCE)                                 
from Tarentum (Tarent), Italy.                         
Br 1686

Scylla. Handle from a mirror. Bronze (about 310 BCE)...

Heracles fighting a centaur. Bronze table lamp,        
(the tree supported an oil-lamp). 2nd half 2nd BCE.    
From Ephesus, Turkey.                                  
Height 38 cm                                           
Inv. VI 3169

Heracles fighting a centaur. Bronze table lamp, (the tree supported an o...

Scylla. Earthenware decoration on a red-figured vase.  
Late Italic.                                           
Height of the whole vase 38 cm                         
Inv. 99.541
#100202 5

Scylla. Earthenware decoration on a red-figured vase. Late Italic....