Apollo riding a griffin while playing the lyre. Red-figured Attic cup, 1...
Oedipus solves the riddle of the Sphinx. Red-figured Attic pelike...
Oedipus solves the riddle of the sphinx. Black-figured lekythos f...
Heracles fights the Nemean lion, one of the 12 labours. Black-figured Attic kalp...
Heracles fighting Cerberus, the hell-hound, one of his twelve labour...
Meleager kills the Caledonian Boar. Red-figured Attic pelike...
Bellerophon, riding Pegasus, fights the Chimaira. Red-figured cup from Cam...
Funerary stele of Parmeniskos. Gorgon head in the pediment to ward off evi...
Black onyx seal of Emperor Agustus. Relief shows a sphynx.
Servant girl, tomb-relief from Virunum, Carinthia. The girls holds a mirror...
Two youths fighting a centaur, monochrome on marble. From Pompeii.
Chiron, the wise centaur, tutor of gods and heroes, teaches Achilles to play...