The head of Kukulcan, god of the winds, protrudes from the fangs of the feather...
The Governor's Palace, Uxmal. The building is 100 m long and 9 m high and ha...
Maya Arch in the facade of the Palace of the Governor, Uxmal. The triangular Ma...
Heads of the rain-god Tlaloc, not a Mayan deity but one usually connected wi...
Teotihuacan, Temple of Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, and Tlaloc, the...
The head of a jaguar, symbol of the setting sun and of death, juts out from...
The Quetzal-Mariposa Palace within the Teotihuacan Ceremonial Center. The r...
Detail of the pillars of Mariposa-Palace, part of the priestly residences in t...
Head of a quetzal-bird, its eyes inlaid with obsidian. From the pillars of the...
Two heads of feathered serpents, right and left of the steep stairs leading...
A kneeling figure and the head of a feathered serpent on a landing of the stee...
Heads of two feathered serpents from the upper section of the Temple of...