Reliquary of the sons of Burgundian King Sigismund, Saints Giskald and Gunde...
The Fifth Trumpet of the Apocalypse.The Fall of the Star of Satan.From the L...
Saint George and the dragon from Novgorod, Russia...
Saint George and the dragon. Icon
Adam and Eve, fancy beasts and a donkey playing the harp; from the mosaic f...
A beast with one single head but four bodies, from the mosaic floor of the cat...
Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) on a throne supported by griffins. From the m...
"Beasts of India" above the picture of India's conqueror Alexander the...
The Great Satan from the Gates of Hell. Mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otrant...
The Last Judgement: The devil dragging sinners from their tombs. From the Ba...
The Sea and its monsters; from the Last Judgement, Gracanica Church, Serbia...
Anastasis: Christ standing on the broken gates of hell, he pulls Adam a...