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Icon of Saint George, Byzantine,from the village of Pskov, Russia. The panel was used as the shutter of a barn window. Overpainted several times, the 14th century icon was finally uncovered by museum custodians. Saint George on a black horse is rare and accounts for the icon's popular name of "Black George".                                             M&ME 1986,6-3,1

Icon of Saint George, Byzantine,from the village of Pskov, Russia. The panel was...

Stove-tile with the arms of James I, c1603-c1625. Earthenware stove-tile in the form of a panel with the lion and unicorn, and the royal Stuart coat-of-arms and the 'IR' cypher ('Iacobus Rex') for King James VI of Scotland and I of England. The incorporation of the Tudor rose and the Scottish thistle at the base symbolises the union of the two crowns. The coat of arms reflected loyalty to the crown. Wood-burning stoves were often made up from elaborately decorated tiles which were being produced in England in small numbers in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. By the end of the sixteenth century the severe shortage in the south of England of wood for burning meant that coal, from Newcastle, was the primary source of heating fuel. Coal was not suitable for burning in closed stoves.
M&ME, 1981,3-6,1

0310000141 Stove-tile with the arms of James I, c1603-c1625. Earthenware stove-...

Silver pendant, Slav (Kiev type), 12th century. This silver temporal pendant or earring is one of a pair. It would have been worn in the region of the temples, suspended from a crown or head-dress. The pendant is decorated with an interlaced, mythical animal and geometric designs on a black, nielloed ground. The animal may be a dynastic symbol. Silver pendants of this type are later versions of gold examples and would have been worn as female court regalia at ceremonial occasions in the princely court of Kiev, the capital of the early state of Rus'. The pendant was found in 1906, buried in a metal casket in Trekhsvyatytelska Street (Street of the Three Saints), opposite the gates of the Mikhailovsky Golden Dome Monastery in Kiev, Ukraine. The hoard was probably buried at the time of the Tartar invasions and sack of Kiev around 1240.
M&ME, 1907,5-20,13

Silver pendant, Slav (Kiev type), 12th century. This silver temporal pendant or...

Portable mosaic: Saint George defeating the dragon
First half of the 14th century; Constantinople
OA 3110

Portable mosaic: Saint George defeating the dragon First half of the 14th centu...

The legend of Sigurd (Siegfried) from the Edda (collection of norse mythological poems):
Sigurd slaying the dragon (Fafnir).
Wood panel from a church in Setesdal, Norway; 12th century

The legend of Sigurd (Siegfried) from the Edda (collection of norse mythological...

Lombard marble relief with dragons from sarcophagus of Abbese Theodata, from monastery of Santa Maria della Pusterola, Pavia. Around 735 CE
see also 30-01-01/56-57

Lombard marble relief with dragons from sarcophagus of Abbese Theodata, from mon...

Viking picture stone with God Odin (Wotan) on his horse Sleipnir, welcomed by aValkyrie with a drinking horn. A 
viking ship is depicted at the bottom of the stone.
Lillbjors, Gotland (Sweden); 8th century
See also 30-01-10/50-51

Viking picture stone with God Odin (Wotan) on his horse Sleipnir, welcomed by aV...

Viking picture stone with God Odin (Wotan) on his horse Sleipnir, welcomed by a Valkyrie with a drinking horn (detail).
Lillbjors, Gotland (Sweden); 8th century
See also 30-01-10/49, 51

Viking picture stone with God Odin (Wotan) on his horse Sleipnir, welcomed by a...

Detail of the famous Tängelgarda picture stone showing a fallen hero being borne on horseback (Sleipnir, God Odin's eight-legged horse) to the kingdom of the dead. The victor is welcomed by a woman who greets him with a drinking horn (?) as he comes riding in, closely followed by his attendants. All hold gold rings in their hands, symbol of the booty which they have won in the battle. A ship is depicted at the bottom of this stone, as on many others.
Tängelgarda, Gotland (Sweden); 7th century
See also 30-01-10/53-54

Detail of the famous Tängelgarda picture stone showing a fallen hero being borne...

Detail of the famous Tängelgarda picture stone showing a fallen hero being borne on horseback (Sleipnir, God Odin's eight-legged horse) to the kingdom of the dead. The victor is welcomed by a woman who greets him with a drinking horn (?) as he comes riding in, closely followed by his attendants. All hold gold rings in their hands, symbol of the booty which they have won in the battle. A ship is depicted at the bottom of this stone, as on many others.
Tängelgarda, Gotland (Sweden); 7th century
See also 30-01-10/52, 54

Detail of the famous Tängelgarda picture stone showing a fallen hero being borne...

Detail of the famous Tängelgarda picture stone showing a fallen hero being borne on horseback (Sleipnir, God Odin's eight-legged horse) to the kingdom of the dead. The victor is welcomed by a woman who greets him with a drinking horn (?) as he comes riding in, closely followed by his attendants. All hold gold rings in their hands, symbol of the booty which they have won in the battle. A ship with chequered sail is depicted at the bottom of this stone, as on many others.
Tängelgarda, Gotland (Sweden); 7th century
See also 30-01-10/52-53

Detail of the famous Tängelgarda picture stone showing a fallen hero being borne...

Viking picture stone depicting a dead hero riding Odin's eight legged horse Sleipnir to Valhalla where he is welcomed by Valkyre. Tjangvide, Gotland (Sweden); 8-9th century

Viking picture stone depicting a dead hero riding Odin's eight legged horse Slei...