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698 photos
Saint George fighting the dragon, 1509-1510.           
For the altar of the high-chapel of Gaillon castle.    
Marble,128 x 182 x 17 cm       MR 1645

Saint George fighting the dragon, 1509-1510. For the altar of the hi...

Andromeda delivered by Perseus, 1603-1604              
Alabaster, 38 x 45 cm                                  
Inv. PA 941
#400201 5

Andromeda delivered by Perseus, 1603-1604 Alabaster, 38 x 45 cm...

Hercules, Dejaneira and the dead centaur Nessus, 1580. 
Nessus tries to abduct Hercules' wife Dejaneira,       
Hercules kills Nessus with a poisoned arrow.           
Canvas, 112 x 82 cm                                    
Inv. 2613

Hercules, Dejaneira and the dead centaur Nessus, 1580. Nessus tries to abduct H...

The pond. Animals drinking, ducks swimming,a unicorn in the background.
detail of 40-02-02/43.

The pond. Animals drinking, ducks swimming,a unicorn in the background. detail...

Altar of Saint Michael. Wings: Saints Jerome           
and Anthony of Padua. 1500-1510                        
Oakwood, center 66 x 53 cm, wings 66 x 22,5 cm         

Altar of Saint Michael. Wings: Saints Jerome and Anthony of Padua. 15...

Fight between Carnival and Lent.                       
Detail of 40-02-03/3                                   
Oil on oakwood (1559)                                  
Overall size 118 x 164.5 cm                            
Cat. 45, Inv. 1016
#400203 4

Fight between Carnival and Lent. Detail of 40-02-03/3...

Fight between Carnival and Lent.                       
Detail of 40-02-03/3                                   
Oil on oakwood (1559)                                  
Overall size 118 x 164.5 cm                            
Cat. 45, Inv. 1016
#400203 5

Fight between Carnival and Lent. Detail of 40-02-03/3...

Fight between Carnival and Lent.                       
Detail of 40-02-03/3                                   
Oil on oakwood (1559)                                  
Overall size 118 x 164.5 cm                            
Cat. 45, Inv. 1016
#400203 6

Fight between Carnival and Lent. Detail of 40-02-03/3...

Fight between Carnival and Lent.                       
Detail of 40-02-03/3                                   
Oil on oakwood (1559)                                  
Overall size 118 x 164.5 cm                            
Cat. 45, Inv. 1016
#400203 8

Fight between Carnival and Lent. Detail of 40-02-03/3...

The Tempation of St.Anthony.The saint is surrounded by 
monstruous creatures.An iridenscent reptile represents 
woman as temptation;at the saint's feet a pig with a   
bell in its ear,which marked animals as belonging to   
a convent.      Wood, 70 x 51 cm      Cat.2049

The Tempation of St.Anthony.The saint is surrounded by monstruous creatures.An...

Rest on the Flight to Egypt, around 1632-1635.          
The Virgin has the features of Rubens' second wife,    
Helene Fourment.                                       
Wood, 87 x 125 cm                                       

Rest on the Flight to Egypt, around 1632-1635. The Virgin has the fea...

Andromeda liberated by Perseus,Rubens' last painting,  
finished by Jordaens.Andromeda still tied to the rock; 
Perseus in 17th century armour;Amor and a putto with   
torch above the couple.Painted 1686.                   
Canvas,265 x 160  cm             Cat.1663

Andromeda liberated by Perseus,Rubens' last painting, finished by Jordaens.And...