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698 photos
Flying horse, one leg resting on a swallow.
Bronze figure, excavated 1969 at Wu-Wai,
Gansu, China. Eastern Han Dynasty (2nd CE)
34.5 x 45 cm

Flying horse, one leg resting on a swallow. Bronze figure, excavated 1969 at Wu...

Tomb guardian. - Earthenware figure with               
three-colour glaze from a tomb at Ch'ung-Pu            
near Sian, Shensi, China, excavated 1959.              
T'ang Dynasty (early 8th CE).                          
Height: 65.5 cm

Tomb guardian. - Earthenware figure with three-colour glaze from...

Tomb guardian. - Earthenware figure with               
three-colour glaze from a tomb at Ch'ung-Pu            
near Sian, Shensi, China, excavated 1959.              
T'ang Dynasty (early 8th CE).                          
Height: 57.5 cm

Tomb guardian. - Earthenware figure with three-colour glaze from...

White and blue Ming china cup,                         
decorated with a dragon.                               
Siuang Fe Period, China.

White and blue Ming china cup, decorated with a dragon....

The stairs leading up to the Temple of Heaven, are
separated by bands of sculpted marble, showing
mountains, dragons and phoenixes, and clouds.
See 05-01-02/18-21

The stairs leading up to the Temple of Heaven, are separated by bands of sculpte...

The stairs to the main building of the Temple of
Confucius, Beijing, China, are separated by sculpted
marble slabs showing dragons and clouds. The temple
was begun in 1302 and was used for the imperial
examinations.    See 05-01-02/29-35

The stairs to the main building of the Temple of Confucius, Beijing, China, are...

A gilded lion on the cornice of the "Red Palace" of    
Potala, the part reserved for religious functions.     
Potala Palace was begun by the "Great Fifth", the      
fifth Dalai Lama, in 1645.                             
See 05-01-02/63-70, 05-01-03/1-15
#050103 2

A gilded lion on the cornice of the "Red Palace" of Potala, the part reserve...

Entrance doors to Shalu Monastery show a pair of       
dog-like dragons with their cub. Shalu was much        
damaged during the Cultural Revolution and some        
twenty resident monks, down from a former 300, try     
to restore the buildings and paintings.

Entrance doors to Shalu Monastery show a pair of dog-like dragons with th...

Lintel with Krishna who subdues the serpent Kaliya.    
Prasat Kok, Angkor period, style of Preah Ko.          
Last quarter 9th                                       
MG 18217

Lintel with Krishna who subdues the serpent Kaliya. Prasat Kok, Angkor perio...

Inside of cup 05-01-04/60,61, showing a phoenix.       
Ming dynasty, 25 cm across.

Inside of cup 05-01-04/60,61, showing a phoenix. Ming dynasty, 25 cm acro...

Four-legged creature with human head. Terracotta       
From Kosovo,Valac. Vinca-Plocnik Culture,              
Neolithic (5th mill. BCE).                       
Height 10.5 cm                                         
Inv. 316

Four-legged creature with human head. Terracotta From Kosovo,Valac. Vinc...

Vessel in the form of a winged man-bull.               
Terracotta with red and white paint.   
Karanovo Culture, Neolithic (5th mill. BCE). From Goljam Izvor, Bulgaria.         
Height 16 cm                                           
Inv. 223

Vessel in the form of a winged man-bull. Terracotta with red and...