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698 photos
Bronze fibula with two masks of mythical animals.

Bronze fibula with two masks of mythical animals.

Rear view of ceremonial gold helmet, detail of         
07-02-03/42. Frieze of mythological animals.           
From Poiana Cotofenesti, Romania.                      
Height (entire helmet) 25 cm

Rear view of ceremonial gold helmet, detail of 07-02-03/42. Frieze of m...

Woman holding a mirror and a three-headed snake.
Harness plate, silver, gilded (4th BCE).
From Letnica, Bulgaria.
Height 5 cm
Inv. 605

Woman holding a mirror and a three-headed snake. Harness plate, silver, gilded (...

Gold torque, detail of 07-02-03/63, showing a          
female head and a mythical animal. From the tomb       
at Rheinheim, Saarland, Germany.

Gold torque, detail of 07-02-03/63, showing a female head and a mythic...

Magic knife decorated with mythical animals.           
Ivory, Middle Kingdom                                  
(21st-18th BCE), Egypt.                                
AF 6447

Magic knife decorated with mythical animals. Ivory, Middle Kingdom...

God Bes and mythical animals.                          
Decorated magic ivory knife,                           
Middle Kingdom (2065-1785 BCE),                        
E 3614

God Bes and mythical animals. Decorated magic ivory kn...

Three Osiris-figures.The mummified penis of the defunct
was kept in a small opening in the base. Sometimes the 
opening was used to store a papyrus role with the Book 
of the Dead. Right: Ba, the soul-bird. - Painted wood  
(around 600 BCE), Egypt. - Inv. 843, 9666, 910, 20668

Three Osiris-figures.The mummified penis of the defunct was kept in a small open...

Detail from the inner coffin of priest Pai-es-Tenef.   
The Ba soul-bird hovers above the defunct in order     
to revive him for afterlife. - Painted wood            
(about 600 BCE), Late Period, Egypt.                   
Inv. 53

Detail from the inner coffin of priest Pai-es-Tenef. The Ba soul-bird hovers...

The avenue of sphinxes,                                
leading up to the first pylon                          
of the Temple of Amun (13th BCE),                      
19th Dynasty, New Kingdom, Luxor.

The avenue of sphinxes, leading up to the first...

The sphinx, a mythical animal with the body of a lion  
and the head of a man. The monument is partly sculpted 
out of a natural knoll, and partly built up. It wears  
a pharaoh's ritual wig, the pharaoh's beard is missing.
(26th BCE), 4th Dynasty, Old Kingdom, Egypt.

The sphinx, a mythical animal with the body of a lion and the head of a man. T...

The sphinx, a mythical animal with the body of a lion  
and the head of a man. The monument is partly sculpted 
out of a natural knoll, and partly built up. It wears  
a pharaoh's ritual wig, the pharaoh's beard is missing.
(26th BCE(, 4th Dynasty, Old Kingdom, Egypt.

The sphinx, a mythical animal with the body of a lion and the head of a man. T...

The sphinx, a mythical animal with the body of a lion  
and the head of a man. The monument is partly sculpted 
out of a natural knoll, and partly built up. It wears  
a pharaoh's ritual wig, the pharaoh's beard is missing.
(26th BCE), 4th Dynstay, Old Kingdom, Egypt.

The sphinx, a mythical animal with the body of a lion and the head of a man. T...