1,908 photos
Giant storage vase from the Palace of Mallia,
Crete, found near the northern entrance. The
surface decorations copy the ropes employed
to move these heavy terracotta vessels.

Giant storage vase from the Palace of Mallia, Crete, found near the northern en...

Sacrificial basin in the anteroom of the throne room,
palace of Knossos, Heraklion, Crete

Sacrificial basin in the anteroom of the throne room, palace of Knossos, Herakli...

Store-room and storage jars in the west wing           
of the Minoan palace of Knossos, Crete.

Store-room and storage jars in the west wing of the Minoan palace of...

Water reservoir at the silver washing                  
plant near the silver mines of Lavrion.                
Storage receptacles. The precious metals               
sank and were retained in the cups.

Water reservoir at the silver washing plant near the silver mi...

The Goddess Nyx (or a fury?) throws a vase
around which coils a snake. The flowing folds
of her robe are crossed by pleats caused by
folding the dress. Zeus Altar of Pergamon
erected around 180 BCE by Eumenes II.

The Goddess Nyx (or a fury?) throws a vase around which coils a snake. The flowi...

Provision jars in the cellars                          
of the Royal Palace of Knossos.                        
Height: 160 cm.
#010105 4

Provision jars in the cellars of the Royal Palace of K...

Amphora (around 4th BCE) - imported from Greece.

Amphora (around 4th BCE) - imported from Greece.

Circe hands the magic potion to Ulysses and            
his companions which will change the companions into   
pigs. Attic black-figured lekythos(1st quarter 5th BCE)
Height 28.5 cm                                         
Inv. 1133

Circe hands the magic potion to Ulysses and his companions which wil...

Phaeacian banquet in honour of Ulysses (Symposion).    
Attic red-figured column crater (2nd quarter 5th BCE). 
46.5 cm high                                           
Inv. IV 842

Phaeacian banquet in honour of Ulysses (Symposion). Attic red-figured column...

Ulysses as archer.                                     
Attic red-figured skyphos                              
(about 450-440 BCE)                                    
19.5 x 22.5 cm                                         
Inv. 2588 (2522)

Ulysses as archer. Attic red-figured skypho...

A storage jar from the Palace of Knossos, Crete, Greece

A storage jar from the Palace of Knossos, Crete, Greece

Akrotiri on Thera Island, Greece, destroyed by a volca-
nic catastrophe around 1450 BCE. Various pots were ex- 
cavated in a room, perhaps a kitchen, containing food  
particles, even sprouting beans, thus dating the       
eruption in late spring or early summer.

Akrotiri on Thera Island, Greece, destroyed by a volca- nic catastrophe around 1...