Korean bowl,19th,floral design. 12,5 cm across.
Inside of Korean bowl,19th.Hills, house under trees. 12,5 cm across.
Small opium-bottles,sealed with wax. H:6-8 cm.
Two Korean bowls,cobalt blue,10,5 cm across.
Detail of one of the two Korean bowls of 05-01-04/66.
#050105 1
Mystical conversation of Catyamuni and Prabhutaratna Dynasty of the Northern...
#050105 4
Horse with saddle and armour. Funerary statuette. Northern Wei, 5th-6th CE...
#050105 5
Mongolian-type horse with caparison and rider. Funerary statuette, Nort...
#050105 7
Celadon vase. H: 10,8 cm, diameter bas...
#050105 8
Tea-pot, white porcelain. H:18,7 cm...
#050105 9
Jug formed like a double pumpkin. White porcelain, floral...
Blue vase with white dragon-design. H: 33,6 cm...