1,901 photos
Korean bowl,19th,floral design.                        
12,5 cm across.

Korean bowl,19th,floral design. 12,5 cm across.

Inside of Korean bowl,19th.Hills, house under trees.   
12,5 cm across.

Inside of Korean bowl,19th.Hills, house under trees. 12,5 cm across.

Small opium-bottles,sealed with wax. H:6-8 cm.

Small opium-bottles,sealed with wax. H:6-8 cm.

Two Korean bowls,cobalt blue,10,5 cm across.

Two Korean bowls,cobalt blue,10,5 cm across.

Detail of one of the two Korean bowls of 05-01-04/66.

Detail of one of the two Korean bowls of 05-01-04/66.

Mystical conversation of Catyamuni and Prabhutaratna   
Dynasty of the Northern Wei, 518 CE                    
Gilded bronze, H: 25,5 x 16,7 cm                       
EO 2604
#050105 1

Mystical conversation of Catyamuni and Prabhutaratna Dynasty of the Northern...

Horse with saddle and armour. Funerary statuette.      
Northern Wei, 5th-6th CE                               
The Chinese cavalry was created at about that time     
against the invasions of Mongol horsemen.              
MA 3917
#050105 4

Horse with saddle and armour. Funerary statuette. Northern Wei, 5th-6th CE...

Mongolian-type horse with caparison and rider.         
Funerary statuette, Northern Wei, terracotta.          
5th-6th CE. The Chinese cavalry was created at about   
that time against the invasions of Mongol horsement.   
MG 19061
#050105 5

Mongolian-type horse with caparison and rider. Funerary statuette, Nort...

Celadon vase.                                          
H: 10,8 cm, diameter base 7,3 cm                       
Northern Zhong dynasty, 11th CE                        
MA 4189
#050105 7

Celadon vase. H: 10,8 cm, diameter bas...

Tea-pot, white porcelain.                              
H:18,7 cm                                              
Northern Zhong dynasty, 11th CE                        
MA 4135
#050105 8

Tea-pot, white porcelain. H:18,7 cm...

Jug formed like a double pumpkin.                      
White porcelain, floral decoration, poppies            
and leaves, H: 23,5 cm                                 
Northern Zhong dynasty, 11th CE                        
G 5700
#050105 9

Jug formed like a double pumpkin. White porcelain, floral...

Blue vase with white dragon-design.                    
H: 33,6 cm                                             
Yuan-period, 14th CE                                   
G 2211

Blue vase with white dragon-design. H: 33,6 cm...