#030301 1
Stone vase from mesopotamia, late Uruk period, 3.400 - 3.200 BCE. This stone ve...
#030301 8
Gold bowl, from Ur,Southern Iraq,2600-2400 BCE. It was found in the Queen's Grav...
Ostrich egg and jar found by Leonard Woolley in the cemetery at Ur. In antiquity...
Steatite jar, from Ur,southern Iraq, 2600-2400 BCE. This bowl demonstrated the e...
Stone basin, Ur, southern Iraq, early Dynastic period, 2600-2400 BCE. Soft stone...
Silver jar, from Ur, southern Iraq, 2600-2400 BCE. This spouted silver jug comes...
Pottery jar, Mitannian, from Alalakh (modern Tel Atchana,Syria. Thie distinctive...
"Palace Ware" jar, Neo-Assyrian, from Ninveh,northern Iraq, 700-612 BCE. "Palac...
Gold and silver horn-shaped drinking cup from Marash,Syria. 5th BCE. The vessel...
Zoomorphic vase,terracotta. Marlik civilisation Nort...
Zoomorphic vase,terracotta. Marlik civilisation Nort...
Cup,Mesopotamian, late Prehistoric period, 3.400 to 3200 BCE.he cup is carved on...