1,901 photos
Stone vase from mesopotamia, late Uruk period,
3.400 - 3.200 BCE. This stone vessel was made in the late 4th millenium BCE,when cities were developing in southern
Mesopotamia. The largest known settlement was Uruk (modern Warka). In the centre of the city were monumental
temple buildings with ritual objects.  ANE,116705
#030301 1

Stone vase from mesopotamia, late Uruk period, 3.400 - 3.200 BCE. This stone ve...

Gold bowl, from Ur,Southern Iraq,2600-2400 BCE. It was found in the Queen's Grave in the cemetery at Ur. The chamber contained the body of a woman and her two female servants, a cylinder seal identified the woman as Pu-Abi. The bowl is made of beaten gold with small tubes of gold attached to the sides,through which strands of gold wire are
threaded to make a handle.      ANE, 121344
#030301 8

Gold bowl, from Ur,Southern Iraq,2600-2400 BCE. It was found in the Queen's Grav...

Ostrich egg and jar found by Leonard Woolley in the cemetery at Ur. In antiquity the ostrich,known for its swiftness and strength, was hunted by kings. Ostrich shells were often cut open at the top to serve as cups or bowls and decorated with a band of mosaic round the rim. A disk of similar mosaic was added at the base.    ANE, 123556

Ostrich egg and jar found by Leonard Woolley in the cemetery at Ur. In antiquity...

Steatite jar, from Ur,southern Iraq, 2600-2400 BCE. This bowl demonstrated the extensive trade network that linked the cities of southern Mesopotamia with the rest of the Near East. It was found in one of the graves in the cemetery at Ur and may have been made in Iran, at Tepe Yahya, known for such carved chlorite vessels. ANE 121697

Steatite jar, from Ur,southern Iraq, 2600-2400 BCE. This bowl demonstrated the e...

Stone basin, Ur, southern Iraq, early Dynastic period, 2600-2400 BCE. Soft stone, such as steatite or chlorite, are found in both Iran and Arabia and such vessels have been 
found from the Gulf to Pakistan. Nothing is known of what was transported in these pots,but this one was found in the
tomb of Pu-Abi, one of the richest in the cemetery of Ur,
and most probably held luxury goods.    ANE 121695

Stone basin, Ur, southern Iraq, early Dynastic period, 2600-2400 BCE. Soft stone...

Silver jar, from Ur, southern Iraq, 2600-2400 BCE. This spouted silver jug comes from the "Queen's Grave" in the Royal cemetery at Ur,southern Iraq. The jug may have been used for serving wine at banquets; the silver probably came from Iran or Anatolia,brought down the river Euphrates.
ANE, 12450

Silver jar, from Ur, southern Iraq, 2600-2400 BCE. This spouted silver jug comes...

Pottery jar, Mitannian, from Alalakh (modern Tel Atchana,Syria. Thie distinctive style of painted pottery appears across north Syria and north Mesopotamia from around 1500 to the 13th BCE. Atchana ware dates from a
time when north Mespotamia and Syria were dominated by Mitanni,the name for a lose confederation of Hurrian city states.      ANE,126193

Pottery jar, Mitannian, from Alalakh (modern Tel Atchana,Syria. Thie distinctive...

"Palace Ware" jar, Neo-Assyrian, from Ninveh,northern Iraq,
700-612 BCE. "Palace Ware" is very thin and delicate, with
flared rims and dimples on the body. Potters made the dimples by pressing with their fingers. Finger marks are visible in some of the depressions.

"Palace Ware" jar, Neo-Assyrian, from Ninveh,northern Iraq, 700-612 BCE. "Palac...

Gold and silver horn-shaped drinking cup from Marash,Syria.
5th BCE. The vessel dates to the time of the Achemenid Empire of the 6th to 4th centuries,created by Cyrus the Great. It stretched from Egypt and the Aegean to Afghanistan and the Indus valley.
ANE 116411

Gold and silver horn-shaped drinking cup from Marash,Syria. 5th BCE. The vessel...

Zoomorphic vase,terracotta.                            
Marlik civilisation North of the Caspian Sea.          
Terracotta, H: 21,2 cm

Zoomorphic vase,terracotta. Marlik civilisation Nort...

Zoomorphic vase,terracotta.                            
Marlik civilisation North of the Caspian Sea.          
Terracotta, H: 21,2 cm

Zoomorphic vase,terracotta. Marlik civilisation Nort...

Cup,Mesopotamian, late Prehistoric period, 3.400 to 3200 BCE.he cup is carved on either side with a figure naked except for a belt and with his hair parted in the centre. The figure holds two bulls around the neck, on which perch large birds. The meaning of this image is unclear:the man may be protecting the animals, or he may represent the struggle between chaotic savagery and divine order.
ANE, 118465

Cup,Mesopotamian, late Prehistoric period, 3.400 to 3200 BCE.he cup is carved on...