11 photos
Outside walls of Tiryns (13th BCE).                    
Mycenaean military architecture.                       
Herakles performed his twelve labours                  
for Eurystheos, ruler of Tiryns.

Outside walls of Tiryns (13th BCE). Mycenaean military archi...

Walls of Tiryns, the gate of the inner city (13th BCE).
Herakles performed his twelve labours for Eurystheos,  
ruler of Tiryns.

Walls of Tiryns, the gate of the inner city (13th BCE). Herakles performed his t...

Walls of Tiryns, remains of                            
the cyclopic outer walls (13th BCE).                   
The ruler of Tiryns ordered Heracles                   
to perform the twelve labours.
#010103 2

Walls of Tiryns, remains of the cyclopic outer walls...

Walls of Tiryns, remains of                            
the cyclopic outer walls (13th BCE).                   
The ruler of Tiryns ordered Heracles                   
to perform the twelve labours.
#010103 3

Walls of Tiryns, remains of the cyclopic outer walls...

Fortifications of Tiryns, the cyclopic                 
walls (13th BCE). Watch tower of red and               
grey limestone blocks of irregular shape.              
The ruler of Tiryns ordered Heracles                   
to perform the twelve labours.
#010103 4

Fortifications of Tiryns, the cyclopic walls (13th BCE). Watch...

Fortifications of Tiryns, the cyclopic                 
walls of red and grey limestone blocks                 
of irregular shape (13th BCE).                         
The ruler of Tiryens ordered Heracles                  
to perform the twelve labours.
#010103 5

Fortifications of Tiryns, the cyclopic walls of red and grey li...

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE).                   
Main entrance in the middle of the                     
eastern cyclopic wall, here over 8 m thick.            
The ruler of Tiryns ordered Heracles                   
to perform the twelve labours.
#010103 6

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE). Main entrance in the mid...

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE).                   
East gallery fronted by a colonnade of                 
the thickness of the outer wall (8 m).                 
The ruler of Tiryns ordered Heracles                   
to perform the twelve labours.
#010103 7

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE). East gallery fronted by...

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE).                   
East gallery fronted by a colonnade in                 
the thickness of the outer wall (8 m).                 
The ruler of Tiryns ordered Heracles                   
to perform the twelve labours.
#010103 8

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE). East gallery fronted by...

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE).                   
Staircase toward the south gallery.                    
The ruler of Tiryns ordered Heracles                   
to perform the twelve labours.
#010103 9

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE). Staircase toward the sou...

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE).                   
Right gatepost of the outer gateway                    
with boltholes (15 cm) for crossbar.                   
The ruler of Tiryns ordered Heracles                   
to perform the twelve labours.

Fortifications of Tiryns (13th BCE). Right gatepost of the ou...