518 photos
Olive tree near Ermonais on the west coast of Corfu.
Ulysses is said to have landed on the legendary
island of the Phaeacians.

Olive tree near Ermonais on the west coast of Corfu. Ulysses is said to have lan...

Festoon with masks, leaves and fruit.
Casa del Fauno, Pompeii VI 12,2
Inv. 9994
See also detail 11-01-01/28 and 03-05-04/38

Festoon with masks, leaves and fruit. Casa del Fauno, Pompeii VI 12,2 Inv. 999...

Gold plaques showing Artemis as "Mistress of the Animals", Greek, Orientalizing period, 660-620 BCE. The seven gold plaques are of sheet gold and were designed to be worn at the top edge of a garment with the rosettes pinned at the shoulders. The goddess tames wild animals at each hand. Pomegranates, a symbol of fertility, hang from the bottom of each plaque.       GR 1861.11-11.1,3
#030503 1

Gold plaques showing Artemis as "Mistress of the Animals", Greek, Orientalizing...

Festoon with masks, leaves and fruit (detail)
Casa del Fauno, Pompeii VI 12,2
Inv. 9994
See also detail 11-01-01/28 and overall 03-05-01/69

Festoon with masks, leaves and fruit (detail) Casa del Fauno, Pompeii VI 12,2...

Indian woman, wearing a transparent robe, holds a string of beads. In front of her is a small altar; behind sits a priest with red paint on his forehead. The courtyard has arches and a dome, behind which is a fruit tree.
ID: J 17 3

Indian woman, wearing a transparent robe, holds a string of beads. In front of h...

Pomegranates, 1600-1625. From "A History of East Indian Trees and Plants, and of their Medicinal Properties".
ID: Sloane.4013

Pomegranates, 1600-1625. From "A History of East Indian Trees and Plants, and of...

Pineapples, 1600-1625. From: "A History of East Indian Trees and Plants, and of their Medicinal Properties".
ID: Sloane.4013

Pineapples, 1600-1625. From: "A History of East Indian Trees and Plants, and of...

Coconut Palms and coconuts, 1600-1625. From: "A History
of East Indian Trees and Plants, and of their Medicinal Properties".
ID: Sloane.4013

Coconut Palms and coconuts, 1600-1625. From: "A History of East Indian Trees an...

Vase with grapevines, Late Sasanian, 6th century. Gilded silver vase with grapevines and a naked boy carrying a basket of grapes. The base is pierced like a strainer and the vessel was presumably used for wine. From Mazanderan, noerthern Iran.
ANE 124094

Vase with grapevines, Late Sasanian, 6th century. Gilded silver vase with grapev...

Silver-gilt dish, Tabaristan,Iran, 8th. On this dish a ruler in Sasanian costume reclines on a wheeled couch surrounded by attanedants, musicians and items for an outdoor banquet: a vine hung with ripe grapes, a water-bottle made from the skin of a whole animal, wine jugs and a cooler and a pot suspended over a fire.                    OA 1963.12-10.3

Silver-gilt dish, Tabaristan,Iran, 8th. On this dish a ruler in Sasanian costume...

Ritual cakes (torma) called dmag gtor, "ritual cake of 
the warrior" are stuck into the masks of tsen, local   
deieties who play an important role in annual cere-    
monies performed for the well-being of the household.  
Mask, unfired clay, painted. H:38 cm
#040103 1

Ritual cakes (torma) called dmag gtor, "ritual cake of the warrior" are stuck i...

Ritual cakes (torma) called dmag gtor, "ritual cake of 
the warrior" are stuck into the masks of tsen, local   
deieties who play an important role in annual cere-    
monies performed for the well-being of the household.  
Mask, unfired clay, painted. H:34 cm
#040103 2

Ritual cakes (torma) called dmag gtor, "ritual cake of the warrior" are stuck i...