Wall of the ancient town of Hazor, hills of Galilee in the...
Ruins of the ancient town of Hazor, Galilee. Hazor was one of the cha...
Stone pillars from a storehouse at Hazor, Israel. Hazor was one of...
Tel Hazor, Israel, is the country's largest archaeological site. Haz...
Hazor, Israel. The stairs leading to King Salomon's stables. Hazor was one o...
The High Place at Hazor, Israel. Hazor was one of the royal cities and supply...
View of Tel Hazor, Israel. Hazor is the largest archaeological site in I...
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Stone pillars from a storehouse at Hazor, Israel. Hazor was one of...
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City gate of Tel Hazor, Israel. Hazor is the largest archaeological site in I...
Tel Hazor,the water system.During the reign of King Ahab (871-852),a 30 m de...
Tel Hazor,the water system.During the reign of King Ahab (871-852),a 30 m de...
Remains of a four-room house "the House of Yael" in Tel Hazor,one of the...