#080304 5
Stone gate of the city of Dan, northermost town of bibl...
#080304 6
Main street of Dan. Northermost town of bibl...
The road which leads to the ancient City of Dan, Israel Jeroboam placed a Golde...
The Canaanite gate at Tel Dan,Israel.The fortification was built by king Jerobo...
The Canaanite gate at Tel Dan,Israel.The fortification was built by king Jerobo...
The Canaanite gate at Tel Dan,Israel.The fortification was built by king Jerobo...
The Canaanite gate at Tel Dan,Israel.The fortification was built by king Jerobo...
A cult place behind the gate of the fortification of Tel Dan was probably...
A cult place behind the gate of the fortification of Tel Dan was probably...
The fortification walls which run along the southern side of Tel Dan are attr...
The fortification walls which run along the southern side of Tel Dan are attr...
The fortification walls which run along the southern side of Tel Dan are attr...