Memento Mori decoration, a reminder of the shortness of life and the importan...
Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this series of six tapestries...
Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this series of six tapestries...
Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this series of six tapestries...
Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this series of six tapestries...
Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this series of six tapestries...
Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this series of six tapestries...
The joys of simple country life, "better than that of gentlemen and demoise...
Dog killing a bird. From a series of tapestr...
A riding lesson for King Louis XIII (1601-1643). On the young King's left...
Rondeaux des Vertus - A roundel of Virtues,made for Louise of Savoy (147...
A mermaid and a traveller, 1300-1340. The mermaid carries a mirror and a comb; t...