570 photos
Memento Mori decoration, a reminder of the shortness   
of life and the importance of spiritual over material  
pleasures. From Germany or Poland. Two hunters with    
dogs shoot at two stags. Below, a five-branched menorah
Paper cutout, ink and watercolour, 18,9 x 14,5 cm

Memento Mori decoration, a reminder of the shortness of life and the importan...

Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this
series of six tapestries is "A mon seul desir"-"After  
my own desire". The series was woven in Brussels, after
Parisian cartons, for Jean le Viste, burgher of Paris. 
The five senses: Touch.Approx.370 x 355 cm    1480-1490

Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this series of six tapestries...

Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this
series of six tapestries is "A mon seul desir"- "After 
my own desire". The series was woven in Brussels, after
Parisian cartons, for Jean le Viste, burgher of Paris. 
The five senses: Sight. 312 x 330 cm      1480-1490

Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this series of six tapestries...

Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this
series of six tapestries is "A mon seul desir"- "After 
my own desire". The series was woven in Brussels, after
Parisian cartons, for Jean le Viste, burgher of Paris. 
The five senses: Hearing.Approx.368 x 290 cm  1480-1490

Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this series of six tapestries...

Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this
series of six tapestries is "A mon seul desir" -"After 
my own desire". The series was woven in Brussels, after
Parisian cartons, for Jean le Viste, burgher of Paris. 
The five senses: Taste. Approx.375 x 458 cm 1480-1490

Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this series of six tapestries...

Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this
series of six tapestries is "A mon seul desir" - "After
my own desire. The series was woven in Brussels, after 
Parisian cartons, for Jean le Viste, burgher of Paris. 
The five senses: Smell. Approx. 367 x 460 cm 1480-1490

Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this series of six tapestries...

Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this
series of six tapestries is "A mon seul desir" - "After
my own desire" and shows the five senses and, in the   
final tapestry, the young lady refusing to submit to   
the domination of the senses. Brussels, 1480-1490

Tapestry of the Lady and the Unicorn. The motto of this series of six tapestries...

The joys of simple country life, "better than that     
of gentlemen and demoiselles," as one of the banners   
Brussels, 17th

The joys of simple country life, "better than that of gentlemen and demoise...

Dog killing a bird.                                    
From a series of tapestries woven in Brussels from     
cartons by William Tons.

Dog killing a bird. From a series of tapestr...

A riding lesson for King Louis XIII (1601-1643).       
On the young King's left the God Mercury, on his right 
Antoine Pluvinel de la Baume.                          
One of eight tapestries after cartons by Jordaens.

A riding lesson for King Louis XIII (1601-1643). On the young King's left...

Rondeaux des Vertus - A roundel of Virtues,made        
for Louise of Savoy (1476-1531),France,16th.           
Charity against Envy.

Rondeaux des Vertus - A roundel of Virtues,made for Louise of Savoy (147...

A mermaid and a traveller, 1300-1340. The mermaid carries a mirror and a comb; the traveller carries a load on his back,including bellows. He is accompanied by a dog. From the Luttrell Psalter, begun before 1340 for Sir Geoffrey Luttrell.
ID:ADD 42130, fol.70 v

A mermaid and a traveller, 1300-1340. The mermaid carries a mirror and a comb; t...