Les enfants d'Edouard IV - The Children of Edward IV in the Tower. According to...
Ceres (or The Summer). Oil on canvas
Courbet, self-portrait with black dog. Oil on canvas (1842)
The encounter ("Bonjour, M. Courbet"). Oil on canvas (1854)
#401104 5
Diane chasseresse - Diana hunting. The Diana is Diane de Poitiers. The painting...
Maria Anna Sophie of Saxony (1728-1797), wife of Elector Maximili...
Staghunt. Oil on canvas...
Jean Cocteau. Oil on canvas (1916)...
#401107 2
Un dejeuner de chasse (hunting picnic),1737 Canvas...
#401107 3
Halte de chasse (hunting picnic) Canvas, 220 x 250 cm...
#401107 4
Prince-Elector Karl Albrecht of Bavaria (sitting,left) returning from a hunt wi...
Le fils puni. The punished son. 1778 Canvas, 130 x 163 cm Inv. 5039