Two hunters cooking a meal,mosaic from the Villa del Casale,Piazza Armerina,S...
Hunting stag with a net.Mosaic from the Villa del Casale,Piazza Armerina,S...
Door panel of teak wood, showing two horses-heads among arabesques....
The ascension of the Prophet Mohammed,from a book by the poet Nizami, 1504.
"Principal Square in Grand Cairo, with Murad Bey's Palace",Egypt, around 1801. A...
"First and second pyramid of Gizah, Ancient Memphis", Egypt, around 1801. A view...
"Head of the colossal sphinx", Egypt, around 1801. From "Views in Egypt, Palest...
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Bronze statuette of a rider, Achaemenid, 5th-4th century BCE, a rare representat...
Hunters or warriors on horseback. Harness plate, silver, gilded (400-350 BCE)....
Votive stele of a Thracian horseman found near the village of Zlatna Panega, Lov...
Stone relief of a soldier on a horse from the palace of King Kapara, Aramaean, f...
Perforated baton with horse and fish engravings, Late Magdalenian, about 12,500...