1,266 photos
Bronze trappings. Harness parts and                    
snaffle-bits (some animal-shaped).                     
Depot find from Stillfried/March, Austria

Bronze trappings. Harness parts and snaffle-bits (some anima...

Two animal-shaped horse-bits. Close-up of              
bronze trappings from Stillfried, Austria.             
Detail of 07-01-04/34

Two animal-shaped horse-bits. Close-up of bronze trappings from St...

Bronze horse-bit, eastern European                     
type from Stillfried, Austria.

Bronze horse-bit, eastern European type from Stillfried, Au...

Two bronze horses from                                 
Klein Aspergle, Germany.

Two bronze horses from Klein Aspergle, Germany.

A horse. Bronze figurine from an                       
incineration burial beneath the                        
ramparts of the Holy Kopec Fortress                    
in Brno-Obrany, Moravia.

A horse. Bronze figurine from an incineration burial bene...

Bronze cult chariot with a man on                      
horseback and animals (9th-5th BCE),                   
from Merida, Spain.                                    
See also 07-02-01/15

Bronze cult chariot with a man on horseback and animals (9...

Bronze cult-wagon with a man on                        
horseback and animals (9th-5th BCE),                   
from Merida, Spain.                                    
See also 07-02-01/14

Bronze cult-wagon with a man on horseback and animals (9...

Horse with a human head. Bronze                        
statuette from the lid of a jug                        
found in a princely tomb (5th BCE)                     
in Reinheim, Germany.

Horse with a human head. Bronze statuette from the lid o...

Gaulish chief on his chariot.                          
Detail of a terracotta temple                          
frieze (early 2nd BCE) from                            
Sassoferato, Italy.                                    
Height 45 cm

Gaulish chief on his chariot. Detail of a terracotta t...

Goddess (princess) on throne holding a flowering       
plant. Detail of a Scythian felt cloth (around         
5th-4th BCE) preserved 2000 years in a frozen tomb     
in the Paryryk Valley, Altai Mountains, Russia.        
Size of preserved part: 28.35 square meters

Goddess (princess) on throne holding a flowering plant. Detail of a Scyth...

Scythian horseman with cloak and mustache.             
Detail of a Scythian felt cloth (around 5th-4th BCE),  
preserved 2000 years in a frozen tomb in the Paryryk   
Valley, Altai Mountains, Russia.                       
Size: 4.8 square meters

Scythian horseman with cloak and mustache. Detail of a Scythian fel...

Cult-chariot of Strettweg (7th BCE). A funerary gift   
for a prince whose ashes were buried in a hill tumulus.
The chariot shows a sacrificial procession, with the   
stag as victim, sacrificed to the tall female goddess  
by the naked man with the axe. Bronze, height 33 cm

Cult-chariot of Strettweg (7th BCE). A funerary gift for a prince whose ashes...