Bronze trappings. Harness parts and snaffle-bits (some anima...
Two animal-shaped horse-bits. Close-up of bronze trappings from St...
Bronze horse-bit, eastern European type from Stillfried, Au...
Two bronze horses from Klein Aspergle, Germany.
A horse. Bronze figurine from an incineration burial bene...
Bronze cult chariot with a man on horseback and animals (9...
Bronze cult-wagon with a man on horseback and animals (9...
Horse with a human head. Bronze statuette from the lid o...
Gaulish chief on his chariot. Detail of a terracotta t...
Goddess (princess) on throne holding a flowering plant. Detail of a Scyth...
Scythian horseman with cloak and mustache. Detail of a Scythian fel...
Cult-chariot of Strettweg (7th BCE). A funerary gift for a prince whose ashes...