223 photos
Henry IV (1553-1610)                                   
in the Battle of Ivry (1590).                                 
Oil sketch

Henry IV (1553-1610) in the Battle of Ivry (...

The Abduction of Proserpina.                           
Oil sketch (17th).

The Abduction of Proserpina. Oil sketch (17th).

Le conseil des dieux pour les mariages espagnols -     
Council of the gods concerning the Spanish marriages.  
Part of the Medici-Cycle, 1622-1625                    
Canvas, 394 x 702 cm                                   
INV. 1780

Le conseil des dieux pour les mariages espagnols - Council of the gods conc...

La Kermesse, ou Noce de village - A church festival or 
Weding in a village.
Oil on wood
149 x 261 cm
Inv. 1797

La Kermesse, ou Noce de village - A church festival or Weding in a village. c...

Descent from the Cross.                                
Oil on canvas

Descent from the Cross. Oil on canvas

Descent from the Cross.                                
Canvas,425 x 295 cm                                    
Inv.P 74

Descent from the Cross. Canvas,425 x 295 cm...

The Martyrdom of Saint George.                         
Oil on canvas

The Martyrdom of Saint George. Oil on canvas

The Head of Medusa.                                    
Oil on canvas (around 1618)                            
68.5 x 118 cm                                          
Inv. 3834

The Head of Medusa. Oil on canvas (around 16...

Abduction of the daughters of Leukippos by Castor      
and Pollux.                                            
Oil on canvas, Inv.321

Abduction of the daughters of Leukippos by Castor and Pollux....

Portrait study of his son Nicolas.                     
Black,red and white chalk

Portrait study of his son Nicolas. Black,red and white chal...

L'Erection de la Croix - the raising of the Cross.     
Smaller copy of the painting for the church Santa      
Croce in Gerusalemme in Rome.Today known through       
a copy of the 17th belonging to the Hospice de Grasse. 
MNR 982

L'Erection de la Croix - the raising of the Cross. Smaller copy of the pain...

Deploration with Saint Mary and Saint John apostle.    
Around 1614/15                                         
Oakwood, 107,5 x115,5 cm                               

Deploration with Saint Mary and Saint John apostle. Around 1614/15...