223 photos
Henri IV recoit le portrait de Marie de Medicis.       
French King Henri IV receives the portrait of          
his bride Maria de' Medici. 1622-1625                  
Canvas, 394 x 295 cm                                   

Henri IV recoit le portrait de Marie de Medicis. French King Henri IV rec...

Le debarquement de Marie de Medicis au port de         
Marseille le 3 November 1600.                          
Maria Medici arrives in Marseille,Nov.3 1600.          
Canvas, 394 x 3 95 cm, 1622-1625                       
INV. 1774

Le debarquement de Marie de Medicis au port de Marseille le 3 November...

La felicite de la Regence. 1622-1625                   
The happiness of regency.                              
Canvas, 394 x 295 cm                                   

La felicite de la Regence. 1622-1625 The happiness of regency...

Anne d'Autriche (1601 - 1666),Reine de France.         
Anna of Austria (1601 - 1666),Queen of France.         
Wood, 106 x 93 cm                                      
Inv. 1794

Anne d'Autriche (1601 - 1666),Reine de France. Anna of Austria (1601 -...

Ixion,Roi des Lapithes,trompe par Junon.               
Ixion,King of the Lapiths,deceived by Juno.            
Canvas, 175 x 145 cm                                   
RF 2121

Ixion,Roi des Lapithes,trompe par Junon. Ixion,King of the Lapith...

Thomiris, Reine des Scythes, fait plonger la tete de   
Cyrus dans un vase rempli de sang - Thomiris,Queen     
of the Scyths,orders the head of Cyrus lowered into a  
vessel of blood.                                       
Canvas, 263 x 199 cm                INV.1768

Thomiris, Reine des Scythes, fait plonger la tete de Cyrus dans un vase rempl...

L'Adoration des Mages - The Adoration of the Magi.                             Canvas, 290 x 218 cm.                                   

L'Adoration des Mages - The Adoration of the Magi. C...

Studies of the head of a black man.                    

Studies of the head of a black man. Canvas

Eleonore Gonzaga(1598-1655),daughter of Duke Vincenzo, 
aged two, later wife of Emperor Ferdinand II.          
Oil on canvas (around 1600-1601)                       
79 x 49.5 cm                                           
Inv. 3339

Eleonore Gonzaga(1598-1655),daughter of Duke Vincenzo, aged two, later wife of...

Isabella d'Este (1474-1539), wife of Margrave          
Francesco Gonzaga, Patroness of the Arts and able      
Administrator of Mantua. After a portrait by Titian.   
Oil on canvas (around 1605-1608)                       
101.8 x 81 cm. Cat. 296, Inv. 1534

Isabella d'Este (1474-1539), wife of Margrave Francesco Gonzaga, Patro...

Drunken Silenus.                                       
Oil on canvas (around 1611-1612)                       
Size: 158 x 217 cm                                     
Inv. 756

Drunken Silenus. Oil on canvas (around 16...

A halberdier. Fragment from an altar painting: The     
Adoration of the Holy Trinity by the Gonzaga family.   
Oil on canvas (1602-1605)                              
Size: 128 x 77.5 cm                                    
Inv. 695

A halberdier. Fragment from an altar painting: The Adoration of the Holy Tr...