223 photos
The Rape of Deidamia.One of the paintings for King     
Philip IVth hunting lodge Torre de la Parada in El     
Pardo.Theseus wrenches Deidamia from the arms of the   
Centaur. 1636-38.                                      
Canvas, 182 x 290 cm   Cat.1658

The Rape of Deidamia.One of the paintings for King Philip IVth hunting lodg...

The Rape of Proserpine. One of the paintings for King  
Philip IVth hunting lodge Torre de la Parada at El     
Pardo.Pluto carries off Proserpina,while Minerva,Venus 
and Diana try to prevent the rape. 1636-38             
Canvas, 180 x 270 cm     Cat.1659

The Rape of Proserpine. One of the paintings for King Philip IVth hunting lodg...

Diana and her nymphs discovered by satyrs. Wildens     
and Snayers collaborated in this painting,providing    
animals and landscape.                                 
Around 1635                                            
Canvas, 136 x 165 cm     Cat.1665

Diana and her nymphs discovered by satyrs. Wildens and Snayers collaborated...

Maria de' Medici,Queen of France, wife of Henri IV.    
Painted 1622.                                          
Canvas,1300 x 108 cm                                   

Maria de' Medici,Queen of France, wife of Henri IV. Painted 1622....

Equestrian portrait of King Philip (Felipe)II of Spain 
(1527-1598).Painted 1628.Victory crowns the King with  
a laurel wreath;in the background the battle of San    
Canvas,314 x 228 cm        Cat.1686

Equestrian portrait of King Philip (Felipe)II of Spain (1527-1598).Painted 1628...

Equestrian portrait of Cardinal-Infant Don Fernando of 
Austria (1609-1641) during the battle of Noerdlingen,  
against the Swedish army,1634.Painted 1636.            
Canvas, 335 x 258 cm                                   

Equestrian portrait of Cardinal-Infant Don Fernando of Austria (1609-1641) duri...

Adam and Eve; a rather free copy of the painting by    
Titian (around 1570).Rubens copied the Titian painting 
during his second stay in Spain 1628-1629.             
Canvas,237 x 184 cm           Cat.1692

Adam and Eve; a rather free copy of the painting by Titian (around 1570).Rub...

Rest on the Flight to Egypt, around 1632-1635.          
The Virgin has the features of Rubens' second wife,    
Helene Fourment.                                       
Wood, 87 x 125 cm                                       

Rest on the Flight to Egypt, around 1632-1635. The Virgin has the fea...

The dinner at Emmaus.The apostles recognize Christ     
as he blesses the bread.                               
Canvas,143 x 156 cm                                    

The dinner at Emmaus.The apostles recognize Christ as he blesses the bread....

Andromeda liberated by Perseus,Rubens' last painting,  
finished by Jordaens.Andromeda still tied to the rock; 
Perseus in 17th century armour;Amor and a putto with   
torch above the couple.Painted 1686.                   
Canvas,265 x 160  cm             Cat.1663

Andromeda liberated by Perseus,Rubens' last painting, finished by Jordaens.And...

The Holy Family with Saint Anne.The Virgin resembles   
Isabella Brant (1591-1626),Rubens' first wife.         
Canvas 115 x 90 cm                                     
Saint Anne  July 26th
Saint Joachim August 16th
Saint Mary September 8th

The Holy Family with Saint Anne.The Virgin resembles Isabella Brant (1591-16...

The Rape of Europa - a copy of the Titian painting     
which Rubens painted during his second stay in Madrid, 
Canvas,181 x 200 cm                                    

The Rape of Europa - a copy of the Titian painting which Rubens painted dur...