King Harold receives a deadly blow. Bayeux Tapestry, embroid...
Tambourine decorated with flowers, musical instruments and...
A riding lesson for King Louis XIII (1601-1643). On the young King's left...
The coronation of Louis XIV (June 7, 1654). Cardinal Mazarin, his Prime Minis...
Meeting between Louis XIV of France and Philip IV of Spain on the Isle des...
A riding lesson for the young King Louis XIV: Ballottade. Tapestry aft...
A riding lesson for the young King Louis XIV: Capriole. Tapestry after...
#400309 9
Seven large tapestries illustrate the Battle of Pavia in 1525,in which Emperor...
Seven large tapestries illustrate the Battle of Pavia in 1525,in which Emperor...
Seven large tapestries illustrate the Battle of Pavia in 1525,in which Emperor...
Seven large tapestries illustrate the Battle of Pavia in 1525,in which Emperor...
Seven large tapestries illustrate the Battle of Pavia in 1525,in which Emperor...