1 subcategory


42 photos
Hilt of the sword of King Philipp (Felipe) II          

Hilt of the sword of King Philipp (Felipe) II (1527-1598).

General Johann Graf Sporck's cavalry armour            
weighing 36 kg (ca. 1657).                             
Background: General Sporck's portrait.

General Johann Graf Sporck's cavalry armour weighing 36 kg (ca. 1657...

Damascened suit of armour for Alessandro Farnese       
(1545-1592), Governor of the Netherlands. The purely   
ceremonial suit is a present of King Philip II of      
Spain to his best general. 1578.  See 17-01-02/1-28.   
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132
#170102 1

Damascened suit of armour for Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592), Governor of...

Upper part of Farnese Armour, a present of King        
Philip II of Spain to Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592),  
famous general and governor of the Netherlands, 1578.  
See 17-01-02/1-28.                                     
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132
#170102 2

Upper part of Farnese Armour, a present of King Philip II of Spain to Al...

Detail of breastplate of the Farnese Armour, a present 
of King Philip II of Spain to Alessandro Farnese       
(1545-1592), famous general and governor of the        
Netherlands. 1578. See 17-01-02/1-28.                  
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132
#170102 3

Detail of breastplate of the Farnese Armour, a present of King Philip II of Spa...

Shoulder piece with mascaron, Farnese Armour, a present
of King Philip II of Spain to Alessandro Farnese       
(1545-1592), famous general and governor of the        
Netherlands.  1578.    See 17-01-02/1-28.              
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132
#170102 4

Shoulder piece with mascaron, Farnese Armour, a present of King Philip II of Spa...

Mascaron from left pallette of Farnese Armour, a       
present of King Philip II of Spain to Alessandro       
Farnese (1545-1592), famous general and governor of    
the Netherlands.   1578.   See 17-01-02/1-28.          
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132
#170102 5

Mascaron from left pallette of Farnese Armour, a present of King Philip I...

Mascaron and nudes between shoulderblades; Farnese     
Armour, a present of King Philip II of Spain to        
Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592), famous general and     
governor of the Netherlands. 1578.  See 17-01-02/1-28. 
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132
#170102 6

Mascaron and nudes between shoulderblades; Farnese Armour, a present of Kin...

Tuille (hip part) of Farnese Armour, a present of King 
Philip II of Spain to Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592),  
famous general and governor of the Netherlands.  1578. 
See 17-01-02/1-28.                                     
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132
#170102 7

Tuille (hip part) of Farnese Armour, a present of King Philip II of Spain to Al...

Elbow guard with lion's head, from the Farnese Armour, 
a present of King Philip II of Spain to Alessandro     
Farnese (1545-1592), famous general and governor of    
the Netherlands.  1578. See 17-01-02/1-28.             
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132
#170102 8

Elbow guard with lion's head, from the Farnese Armour, a present of King Philip...

Gauntlet from the Farnese Armour, a present of King    
Philip II of Spain to Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592),  
famous general and governor of the Netherlands.  1578. 
See 17-01-02/1-28.                                     
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132
#170102 9

Gauntlet from the Farnese Armour, a present of King Philip II of Spain to Al...

Helmet with harpy (Greek harbinger of pain and famine),
from the armour of Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592),     
famous general of King Philip II of Spain and governor 
of the Netherlands. 1578.  See 17-01-02/1-28.          
Milan workshop, bluesteel, gold and silver, Inv. A 1132

Helmet with harpy (Greek harbinger of pain and famine), from the armour of Aless...