The Masquerade (Mummerei). Three women and three men in a round dance; outside t...
Mary Virgin crowned by two Angels. Dated 1518. Woodcut, 297 x 212mm. (monogram...
Saint Sebald in the Niche. Dated 1518. Woodcut, 302 x 212mm.
The Small Triumphal Car or The Burgundian Marriage. From the triumphal processio...
The Small Triumphal Car or The Burgundian Marriage. From the triumphal processio...
The Small Triumphal Car or The Burgundian Marriage. From the triumphal processio...
The Great Triumphal Car. 1522 (1518). First sheet (reduced in size): Back part...
The Great Triumphal Car. 1522 (1518). First sheet (original size): Back part of...
The Great Triumphal Car. 1522 (1518). Second sheet: Front part of the imperial...
The Great Triumphal Car. 1522 (1518). Third sheet: Moderation and Foresight lea...
The Great Triumphal Car. 1522 (1518). Seventh sheet: Courage and Magnanimity le...
The Great Triumphal Car. 1522 (1518). Eighth sheet: Skill and Experience lead t...