#330201 8
The Holy Family with three Hares. Around 1497. Woodcut, 390 x 282mm. (monogram...
#330201 9
Title of the German Edition of 1498: Die heimlich offenbarung iohannis. (The sec...
The Martyrdom of Saint John the Evangelist. Around 1496/97. Woodcut, 394 x 284...
Saint John's Vision of Christ and the Seven Candlesticks. The Revelation of Sain...
Saint John before God and the twenty-four Elders in Heaven. The Revelation of Sa...
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The Revelation of Saint John (Apocalypse, I...
The Opening of the Fifth and Sixth Seals. The Revelation of Saint John (Apocalyp...
Four Angels staying the winds and the signing of the Chosen. The Revelation of S...
The Seven Trumpets are given to the Angels. The Revelation of Saint John (Apocal...
The Battle of the Angels (Four avenging Angels of the Euphrates). The Revelation...
Saint John devouring the Book presented by the Angel. The Revelation of Saint Jo...
The Woman clothed with the Sun and the Seven-headed Dragon. The Revelation of Sa...