Judith is taken to the camp of Holofernes. From Beschlossen Gart des rose(n)kran...
The Austrian Saints. 1515/17. Second edition with eight saints. There is a first...
An owl attacked by four other birds. Around 1515. Woodcut, 210 x 210mm.
Madonna with Carthusian Monks, Saints John the Baptist and Bruno. 1515. Woodcut,...
The Tapestry of Michelfeld. After 1521. Woodcut, overall size 135 x 1020mm. L...
The Tapestry of Michelfeld. After 1521. Woodcut, overall size 135 x 1020mm. Ce...
Madonna on a grassy bank with St. Joseph and St. Anne. Dated 1526. Woodcut, 14...
Portrait of Helius Eobanus Hessus. Woodcut to Elegia by Helius Eobanus Hessus. P...
Lamentation for Christ. Around 1500. Woodcut, 395 x 292mm.
Crucifixion (The Great Calvary). Around 1496/1500. Woodcut (printed from two bl...
Crucifixion (The Great Calvary). Around 1496/1500. Woodcut (printed from two bl...
The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian. Around 1500. Woodcut, 395 x 290mm.