148 photos
Peasant woman resting.Engraving.

Peasant woman resting.Engraving.

A General on horseback. Engraving.

A General on horseback. Engraving.

Passage of the Israelites through the Red Sea.

Passage of the Israelites through the Red Sea.

The siege of La Rochelle,1628,won by  Cardinal Richelieu
against the Huguenot fortress.
146 x 167 cm
Lieure 655

The siege of La Rochelle,1628,won by Cardinal Richelieu against the Huguenot f...

The siege of La Rochelle,1628, won by  Cardinal Richelieu
against the Huguenot stronghold.
146 x 167 cm
Lieure 655

The siege of La Rochelle,1628, won by Cardinal Richelieu against the Huguenot...

Capitano di Baroni, cover of "Les Gueux", 13,7 x 8,6 cm
1622-1623  Lieurre  479

Capitano di Baroni, cover of "Les Gueux", 13,7 x 8,6 cm 1622-1623 Lieurre 479

Cover of "Varie figure", ca. 1621, 8,5 x 8,5 cm
Lieure 403

Cover of "Varie figure", ca. 1621, 8,5 x 8,5 cm Lieure 403

View from the Seine river to the Louvre on the right
and the Tour de Nesle on the left.
Etching,16,9 x 33,9 cm
Lieure 667
2nd Milan edition.

View from the Seine river to the Louvre on the right and the Tour de Nesle on t...

View of the Pont Neuf and the Tour de Nesle.
Engraving, 16,6 x 33,8 cm
Lieure 668
2nd Milan edition.

View of the Pont Neuf and the Tour de Nesle. Engraving, 16,6 x 33,8 cm Lieure...

Margarete d'Austria's entry into Ferrara,one of 16 etchings
of the life of the wife of Felipe III of Spain, queen of Spain, 1612. "La vie de Marguerite d'Autriche, d'apres les tableaux peints pour les obseques de cette princesse"
12,8 x 17,9 cm
Lieure 55 - II/II

Margarete d'Austria's entry into Ferrara,one of 16 etchings of the life of the...

Combat a la barriere: "Entre de Monseigneur Henry de Lorraine,Marquis de Moy, soubs le nom de Pirandre"
15,3 x 24,2 cm, Lieure 581

Combat a la barriere: "Entre de Monseigneur Henry de Lorraine,Marquis de Moy, so...

Combat a la barriere: A group of musicians on a phoenix
12 x 8,6 cm,    Lieure 586

Combat a la barriere: A group of musicians on a phoenix 1627. 12 x 8,6 cm,...