A little girl peeks through a half-open door in a Trompe l'oeil mural by V...
'Rest on the Flight to Egypt', 1565 - 1570. The Holy Family are resting on their...
Saint John Baptist preaching, 1561. Canvas, 208 x 140 cm
Martyrdom of Saints Primus and Felician, around 297 CE under Emperor Diocletian...
#391509 1
Portrait de femme avec un enfant et un chien - Portrait of a woman with a child...
#391509 2
Saint Marc couronnant les vertus théologales - Saint Mark rewarding the theologi...
#391509 3
La Sainte famille avec les saints Francois, Antoine, Madeleine, Jean Baptiste et...
Lavinia Vecellio Canvas; 117 x 92cm Cat. 487
Livia Colonna Canvas; 121 x 98cm Cat. 486
The Martyrdom of Saint Menas Canvas; 248 x 182cm Cat. 497
The Wedding at Cana. Detail of the cat. Photograph before restoration. From the...
Esther et Assuérus - Esther before King Ahasuerus. Canvas, 206cm x 334cm. INV....