77 photos
The return of Christopher Columbus;his audience        
before King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella,              
the "Catholic" rulers.                                 
Oil on canvas (1839)                                   
90.4 x 118.3 cm

The return of Christopher Columbus;his audience before King Ferdinand an...

The Lion-Hunt.                                         
Oil on canvas

The Lion-Hunt. Detail...

Heliodoros expelled from the Temple, after trying to   
confiscate the Temple treasure (Macc.II, 3,7-40).      
One of a pair of oil sketches for the murals in        
Saint Sulpice, Paris.                                  
See also 32-01-04/56,40-08-09/23,40-12-20/28.

Heliodoros expelled from the Temple, after trying to confiscate the Temple tr...

Jacob fighting the angel.
One of a pair of oil sketches for the
murals in St. Sulpice, Paris, France.

Jacob fighting the angel. One of a pair of oil sketches for the murals in St. Su...

Portrait of Frederic Villot.                           
Oil on canvas

Portrait of Frederic Villot. Oil on canvas

The death of Hassan, or Turkish officer killed in the  
mountains, painted under the influence of Lord Byron's 
enthusiasm for the Greek War of Independence.          
Canvas (1825-1826)                                     
32.5 x 41 cm
#401106 8

The death of Hassan, or Turkish officer killed in the mountains, painted under...

Noce juive dans le Maroc.                              
A jewish wedding in Morocco. 1839                      
Canvas, 105 x 140,5 cm                                 
Inv. 3825

Noce juive dans le Maroc. A jewish wedding in Moro...

Chasse au tigre - The tiger hunt.                      
Canvas, 73,5 x 92,5 cm                                 
R.F. 1814

Chasse au tigre - The tiger hunt. Canvas, 73,5 x 92,5 cm...

Jeune tigre jouant avec sa mere, 1830                  
A young tiger playing with its mother.                 
Canvas, 130,5 x 195 cm                                 
R.F. 1943

Jeune tigre jouant avec sa mere, 1830 A young tiger playing wi...

Medee furieuse - Wrathful Medea, 1862                  
Canvas, 122,5 x 84,5 cm                                
R.F. 1402

Medee furieuse - Wrathful Medea, 1862 Canvas, 122,5 x 84,5 cm...

Prise de Constantinople par les Croises,               
Constantinople taken by the crusaders, April 12, 1204. 
Canvas, 81,5 x 105 cm                                  
R.F. 1639

Prise de Constantinople par les Croises, Constantinople taken by...

Lion and cayman, 1855                                  
Canvas, 32 x 42 cm                                     
R.F. 1395

Lion and cayman, 1855 Canvas, 32 x 42 cm...