Jonas and the whale, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...
Samson and the lion, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...
The Last Supper, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...
Ascension of the Prophet Eliah, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...
Christ's Ascension, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...
The Nativity, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...
The Adoration of the Magi, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in champl...
Agnus Pascalis, the symbolic Easter Lamb. Man with a Jews' hat tak...
Entry into Jerusalem, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...
Judas' Kiss, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...
Deposition, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...
The Resurrection, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...