The scouts return from the Valley of Eshkol, carrying a giant grape (Numbers 1...
Eve hands Adam the apple; the snake has a crowned woman's head,(Genesis 3,...
Joseph is thrown into the well by his brothers, (Genesis 37,18-24). Verd...
Entombment of Christ. Verdun Altar, 51 plaques in champsleve-technique, en...
The tenth plague of Egypt: the Israelites paint their doorposts with the blood...
Jacob's benediction. On his deathbed, Jacob blesses his sons and calls Judah a "...
Samson carries off the citygates of Gaza,(Judges 16,3) Verdun Altar, 51 plaques...
The translation of Enoch,(Genesis 5,24). Verdun Altar, 41 plaques in champsleve...
Noah's Ark and the arrival of the dove,(Genesis 8,10) Verdun Altar, 51 plaques...
God gives Moses the Ten Commandements, while angels blow trumpets,(Exodus 19...
The Second Coming. Christ, feet resting on a circular world, orders two angels...
Christ sits in judgement, saints carry the implements of his passion. Verdun A...