73 photos
Le Christ en croix,entre la Madeleine,la Vierge et     
Saint Jean - Crucifixion.                              
Attributed to Le Sueur.                                
Canvas,159 x 122

Le Christ en croix,entre la Madeleine,la Vierge et Saint Jean - Crucifixion...

Bacchus and Ariadne. Abandoned by Theseus on the       
island of Naxos, Ariadne is saved by Bacchus who       
crowns her with the crown of stars,conferring          
Canvas, 175 x 125 cm

Bacchus and Ariadne. Abandoned by Theseus on the island of Naxos, Ariadne...

Camma et Synorix dans le temple de Diane - Camma and   
Synorix in the Diana temple.Camma,a legendary princess 
of Galatia,avenges the murder of her husband by        
poisoning Synorix,the murderer,and herself during the  
wedding ceremony.       Canvas, 170 x 125 cm

Camma et Synorix dans le temple de Diane - Camma and Synorix in the Diana tem...

Le voyage a la Chartreuse (copy after Le Sueur)-       
The pilgrimage to the Charterhouse.

Le voyage a la Chartreuse (copy after Le Sueur)- The pilgrimage to the Ch...

La naissance de l'Amour - The birth of Love.           
Painted for the 'Cabinet de l'Amour' at the Hotel      
Canvas, 45 x 40 cm

La naissance de l'Amour - The birth of Love. Painted for the 'Cabinet...

Venus present l'Amour aux dieux - Venus presents Amor  
to the gods. Painted for the 'Cabinet de l'Amour' at   
the Palais Lambert,Paris.                              
Canvas, 26 x 52 cm

Venus present l'Amour aux dieux - Venus presents Amor to the gods. Painted for...

L'Amour,reprimande par sa mere, se refugie dans        
les bras de Ceres - Amor,reprimanded by his mother,    
flees into the arms of Ceres.Painted for the 'Cabinet  
de l'Amour'at the Palais Lambert, Paris.               
Canvas,26 x 63 cm

L'Amour,reprimande par sa mere, se refugie dans les bras de Ceres - Amor...

L'Amour recoit les hommages des dieux - Amor honoured  
by the gods. Painted for the 'Cabinet d'Amour' at the  
Palais Lamber,Paris.                                   
Canvas, 26 x 51 cm

L'Amour recoit les hommages des dieux - Amor honoured by the gods. Painted for...

L'Amour ordonne a Mercur d'annoncer son pouvoir a      
l'univers - Amor orders Mercury to proclaim his        
power to all the world.Painted for the 'Cabinet        
d'Amour' at the Hotel Lambert,Paris.                   
Canvas,26 x 63 cm

L'Amour ordonne a Mercur d'annoncer son pouvoir a l'univers - Amor orders...

L'Amour ayant derobe le foudre de Jupiter s'envole
pour subjuger l'univers - Amor,having stolen Jupiter's
bolt,flies off to rule the world. 
Painted for the 'Cabinet d'Amour' at the Palais Lambert, Paris.
Canvas,tondo,136 cm across.

L'Amour ayant derobe le foudre de Jupiter s'envole pour subjuger l'univers - Am...

L'ange Raphael quitte Tobie et sa famille - The        
angel Raphael leaves Tobias and his family.Painted     
for the Hotel Fieubert,Paris.                          
Canvas,137 x 215 cm

L'ange Raphael quitte Tobie et sa famille - The angel Raphael leaves Tob...

La nuit de noces de Tobie et Sara - the wedding-night  
of Tobias and Sarah(who is posessed by a demon).        
Painted for the Hotel Fieubert,Paris.                  
Canvas, 89 x 116 cm

La nuit de noces de Tobie et Sara - the wedding-night of Tobias and Sarah(who...