Junon foudroyant Troie - Juno throws her lightening bolt against Troy.Painte...
Le deposition de croix - Deposition. Painted for the church Saint Gervais...
Le martyre de Saint Laurent - The martyrdom of Saint Lawrence....
Jesus chez Marthe et Marie - Jesus in the house of Martha and Mary....
L'apparition du Christ a la Madeleine - Christ appears to Saint Mary Ma...
L'Annonciation.Painted for the church in Mitry-en-France....
La Presentation au Temple - Presentation in the Temple. Canvas 223 x 165 cm
Saint Sebastien secouru par Irene - Saint Sebastian tended by Saint Irene.Pa...
Saint Louis soignant les malades - Saint Louis tends to the sick.Paint...
La messe de saint Martin - the mass of Saint Martin. Painted for the Abbey of...
Le songe de Saint Bruno - Saint Bruno's dream. Canvas,193 x 130cm. INV. 8030...
Dédicace d'une église de Chartreux - Dedication of a church of the Carthusian or...